know any examples?
how much Nepotism in the congregations?
by badboy 30 Replies latest jw friends
One congregation in my area is notorious. The fathers are elders and the sons (in their twenties) are also elders. It's a small congregation because if you are not one of the spiritually elite, your life will be made a living hell until you switch to a different congregation. I know, I was in that congregation for 3 years and was probably the reason my eyes were opened to the truth about "the truth."
Major problem everywhere I went. The sons and daughters of Elders could do almost anything and get a slap on the wrist. Some congs half the family where in power. Micro dynasties can dominate a Hall, and as they grown they can wield power over part of a circuit. Maverick
El blanko
know any examples?
I know of an elder who had been initially appointed in the congegation his father served in. He moved to another area and was not reappointed. His elder father, the PO, called the PO in his son's new congregation and tried to raise holy hell. The new PO/BOE would not budge. Some times they do the right thing.
It helps to have relatives on the BOE. See they know your spiritual character more intimately, hahaha.
nobody told me
I would estimate 60% of elders and Min.Serv. in my circuit were related by blood. In 20 yrs. in the borg, I can only remember one elders child being Df', there were tons of others Df'd. One cong I was in was run by the elders wives. One elder presently isn't qaulified to walk a dog, yet his daddy has been a big deal elder for many years.
The last congregation I was active in had 5 elders, but only 2 last names among them. There were 2 longtime elders, and one of them had one son appointed, and the other had 2. For a long time, no one outside their families could get to be an elder, and it wasn't easy even to be made a MS. I think the guano finally hit the turbine on that one, though, because shortly after I left, I understand there was a rash of non-relative appointments.
Doubtfully Yours
Not much in my current congregation, but in the previous one up North was a whole lot of that.
Hated it!
Doubtfully Yours
And because of this nepotism, the coverups are unbelievable!!!!!!!
The PO had a few sons, when all became elders except the baby, he(baby) Moved to his cong (po) and within a year he was an elder.