any takers?
How many hours did you falsely report?
by badboy 28 Replies latest jw friends
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Excellent question!!!
I started off reporting my time honestly. Then I pioneered for a bit over 2 years and found that elders were constantly getting on my back if I got only 80 hours instead of 90 in a month. This was due to health problems. I eventually stopped pioneering, and became a "low hour publisher". They were on my ass about that too, so I just started lieing about the numbers. Eventually I stopped going out in service at all, but they still bothered me for a report, so I gave them slips with all zeros on it. They never bothered me about my time once I started doing that.
I presume you put a 100 or even a thousand hours on.
You need to change that to did/do you falsely report.
I put anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a month currently. I figure that is just enough to keep me from getting a shepherding call but not so much that they will encourage me to put forth just a bit more effort and aux pioneer. My husband puts around 4 hours a month, doesn't want to go any higher as they might push him to be a MS.
And for those of you wondering why we still turn in time, it's because our whole families are in the Borg, we don't want to lose that relationship right now.
El blanko
I was true to every minute, as I viewed it as sacred service and would not try to pull the wool over God's eyes. Crazy eh!
Most of them
I just put zero's down. It is none of their business. JC did not ask how many hrs his diciples put in, they just told him the responce they got. ONLY humans want #'s
I rounded up for years but toward the end, I was creative in what I counted. I hated door to door so I counted any time I mentioned God or the Bible and rounded up.
it's because our whole families are in the Borg, we don't want to lose that relationship right now.
That's one hell of a burden to carry; I feel for you in that situation. It's such a shame when we have to do / be something we don't want, just to be accepted (not by your folks, I hasten to add - nothing judgemental there)
I hated the ministry with a passion, although I did actually manage to get my hours when I tried pioneering. Weird!!