I'm proud to say 'none.' If anything, I'm owed hours. Whether I was in the ministry or work for 'anyone' I put my time in, period.
Guest 77
by badboy 28 Replies latest jw friends
I'm proud to say 'none.' If anything, I'm owed hours. Whether I was in the ministry or work for 'anyone' I put my time in, period.
Guest 77
Eventually I stopped going out in service at all, but they still bothered me for a report, so I gave them slips with all zeros on it. They never bothered me about my time once I started doing that.
When I was younger, I reported honestly, but then sometimes when I pioneered, I'd be short 2 or 3 hours for one reason or another so I just faked it. I then continued to fake the hours for many a year just to keep them off my back, but I haven't turned in a field service report in God knows how long.
What I've come to realize though, is that I don't think the elders really give a damn if you actually go out in Service, just as long as you turn in some hours on a piece of paper so that THEY don't get shit from the Circuit Overseer when he comes.
Good Topic
I would have to say hundreds.......
I don't know if this falls under false or incorrect. But I was a PO for years, and all the extra hours I spend doing sheperding calls, hospital visits, calling on the elderly, I wasn't getting 'paid' for.
I figured the folks on the building committee could count time for pounding nails, why can't I count time for all the 'extra' things I do? By the time my week was over, I still had to log time in the field, and I was getting exhausted.
This reporting time, is the most rediculous thing the WT ever came up with. Every time I looked at the reports in the year book, I always wondered how many of these hours were 'real'.
Every minute of the last two years I was there, was false time. I would report about every three months and about 4 hours per month. Close to 100 fake hours I guess, maybe more.
I guess I was stupid... I reported my hours, and that's why I eneded up quitting the reg pio business. Too many reall service hours PLUS too many real work hours PLUS too many meeting hours --- sheesh...
I havent gone out in the sacred service ministry for about 7 months--prior to that it was for the c.o. visit, even didnt go out during last c.o visit. prior to that was for like 5 months.
However, by some miracle i manage to report 4-7 hours a month! ahhhahahahha.
the elders have yet to talk to me about not seeing me out in service, i have been "irregular" or 'inactive" for a year.
Unfortunately, I gave the correct time during my last year as a reg. Pioneer. I ended up being 6 hours short for the year, and the elders made such a big deal about it-seems the other 994 hours didn't mean anything, but those 6 hours, all heck broke loose!!!
I would write 8 hours worth of letters at work at my desk and never send them...
Still i was stupid for actually sitting there like a dumbass and writing them out.
From my very beginning as a JW I could not stand going door to door. Needless to say I was a very "low time" publisher. My 2 to 4 hours were "faithfully" reported every month. Then in the 70's when the new arraingment came out, I was told that if I increased my time to 10 hours that I would be very welcome as a MS. So I pushed myself to get the magic number. Once I became a MS, my hours went back to "normal".
Then in 1986 I was told that they would like me to be an elder if only I increased my time to the magic number again. Since I worked rotating shifts at that time I wound up standing on the street corner of the local business district in our territory. ( aaahhhhh........a new thought just came to my feeble mind. Could the congregation be likened to a gang? Each one has it's own 'turf' territory and don't like it if the other gang ...oops..cong. tresspasses) a few times a month to 'legitimately' get my time ...well most of it anyway.
Then I ARRIVED. I was appointed as an elder and like puternut, I put my heart into it. But with all the responsibilities my hourly report got creative. The numbers got rounded out like Blondie said. Drive from laundromat to laundromat to drop of magazines, etc. I now wonder how much all the driving around and needlessly burning up gasoline cost me. over the years.