My serious doubts began when I married an elder. I was the only member of my family who was a JW at the time. I was not aware of what went on with elders -- the petty rivalries, the abuse of power, the downright arrogance!
After having a nervous breakdown and serious depression (untreated and ignored because I was among the "happiest people on earth"), I knew I had to make some changes. But I was not allowed to do things that would contribute to my sense of well-being, namely furthering my education and enjoying theater and music that was to my taste.
What really did me in was the realization that being a JW had not made me a better person. Au contraire! I realized that I had turned into a petty, judgmental, gossiping, stagnating poor excuse for a human being. However, these negative traits made me fit in with the elders' wives and other JW elite.
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