well lets see...it started when i was going through a very difficult time in my life with family obligations and my marriage breaking up...it was hard to get to meetings. therefore i was not regular in the meetings or service work ...forget it...I did not have the time or energy. that is when i was deemed spiritually weak by sisters and elders. they had no idea, i was praying my heart out to jehovah to get through the day and for everything to be okay. but it was not good enough for them. i believe that the organization wants the attendence and the numbers to count just so that it looks good. funny thing though, through this all, i know jehovah understood my circumstances and he still loved me. but the congregation? thats a different story. i moved to a new congregation, i was not even welcomed into the congregation...you know, how they welcome a new sister into the congregation. i feel i was branded as someone who was spiritually weak, 'so be careful, dont associate to closely with her', and that was it. after a year, i made no friends in the congregation, and yet in the world, i was making many. i still was not feeling like god hated me. what i felt was too much pressure with congregation obligations and too many restrictions. i was always feeling so bad. even though i wasnt doing anything wrong. just got to be too much. i do not like the feeling of been in a room with 100 people (bros and sis) and not feeling like i have a friend in the world. i could not take the hurt anymore....so i decided to be honest with myself and jehovah. i told him why i was leaving, (he already knew how i felt) and so in order to get rid of the guilt and hurt, i left. i feel better now. i make friends honestly and easily. there is no competition to do good, be better, or whatever, i can be just myself. and i have made 'genuine' friends this way....there are so many other things to say...so this is a start...i would luv to talk (instant message) with anyone if you like....take care