California Circuit gets a slap on the hand

by ezekiel3 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    A "Circuit" (Northern California area including south of Sacramento and foothills) had only half of their expected attendance at the 10-11 April circuit assembly. Only some 600 from a circuit of about 1100 were present to the dismay of the District and Circuit overseers responsible for the assembly. Of major concern was how to foot the bill for the event which is funded by member donations. Average account reports at circuit assemblies ask for about $7,000 per weekend.

    One reason for the lack of attendance was that the assembly was held in Madera (near Fresno CA), causing members to drive up to 4 hours. This circuit is used to travelling about 1.5 hours one-way for their assemblies.

    As a result, the entire circuit was reprimanded upon return to their Kingdom Halls at the April Service Meeting "Local Needs" talk. About 11 congregations got the information that other circuits have to travel 12+ hours to attend. Foreign-language delegates often have only one location in the entire US to attend. Thankfully a new assembly hall about 45 minutes away is now open for operation.

    Remember, "faithful in the little things"....

  • minimus

    The Society should show them!! If this trend keeps up, there will be no more assemblies scheduled! There!! That'll teach 'em!

  • iiz2cool

    It's all about the money, isn't it? Our assemblies cost over $4000 per day up here. There's no more food provided, and I'm sure it doesn't cost that much to turn on the lights, flush the toilets, and wipe their asses.

    It sounds like a good business. I should start my own cult.


  • Gopher

    Way to go, WT Society! Raise the expectations higher for your people, and then taunt them for lack of faith.

    Are they trying to drive their people away? If so, this is a good way to continue down that road. And was there no commendation for the 600 people who DID overcome the odds and manage to attend this out-of-the-way assembly?

    "The beatings will continue until the morale improves" among the No.Cal. J-dubs.

  • metatron

    A simple solution:

    Write your opinion of the assembly - and their high handed tactics on a green slip of paper

    and drop it in the assembly contribution box. That should get' em upset.


  • exjdub
    If this trend keeps up, there will be no more assemblies scheduled!

    I'm with Minimus.

    Pretty soon there will be "new light" and they will be getting a talk about how Jehovah has directed the Faithful And Discreet Slave to relieve the burden that the assemblies place on families and that the concentration will be on the local level due to the "End" being right around the corner. This will be supported by scriptures showing that Noah did not need a large assembly to motivate him to build the ark just before Jehovah brought destruction upon all mankind and that his small, close knit family was all that was needed...blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah.

    See what blessings that Jehovah has provided?


  • avishai

    Is'nt the Yuba City hall still in operation?

  • undercover

    The majority that probably showed up for the local needs part were the ones who made it to the assembly to begin with. Kind of defeats the purpose.

  • blondie
    Our assemblies cost over $4000 per day up here. There's no more food provided, and I'm sure it doesn't cost that much to turn on the lights, flush the toilets, and wipe their asses.

    Walter, are you talking about at an assembly hall? Some of that money is set aside in a fund for upkeep of the assembly hall and a big chunk is sent to headquarters.

    If it is at a non-WTS facility, then daily rental costs can be quite high, compared to the ones I know about in my area.

    Around here there was a "strong" talk about missing the Friday of the convention. Lots do not want to ask for the day off. Many JWs have jobs which require a whole week be taken off, not just a day at a time and they don't want to waste a whole week.

    I can remember when they dropped the twice yearly circuit assemblies from Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday to just Saturday and Sunday; then it was only 1 2-day CA and 1 1-day SD. I'm surprised they didn't bring out the "grandma walking 70 miles and crossing through crocodile-infested rivers carrying her clothes on her head" story.

    People in developed countries are really babies when it comes to comfort and ease. Count me guilty as charged.


  • hybridous

    Remember, now...

    this is a buisness we're talking about.

    Assemblies will continue up until the moment they become a financial liability. At that precise moment, Jehovah will give 'new light' indicating that assemblies are no longer needed.

    As long as the WT can make a nickel over those few days, assemblies will continue. Money dictates policy and doctrine. So, to all those lurking JWs here, tired of the expense and hassle of assemblies? Just stop dropping money in the contribution boxes - and assemblies will go away. 'Spiritual food' be damned...they've got to make money.

    Oh yeah, and you can bet that if the WT could cut a deal with the facilities to take a portion of the concession dollars, those stands would be OPEN.

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