What drives exJWs to atheism?

by ros 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • ros

    I can always tell when I hit a nerve.
    It is rare I discuss my views, but I disagree that I have no right to express them here. Isn't that what this board is supposed to be all about?
    Hey, where are all the defenders of "free speech" and "free expression"?

    The owner has the right to make the rules. We may not like them, so we can just choose to not believe in the owner. Right? Your choice.
    I still say that the fact that evil exists does is not evidence there is no creator. You may disagree with it, you may hate it, but its the boss, whether it is auto-evolution or intelligent design.

  • digderidoo

    What drives me to atheism?

    When i left the 'truth' and had the realisation that i can now make up my own mind, i did.

    All the so called 'proof' that God exists has no substance for me....I'm not saying that we evolved....or that their is not something out there that has a superior intelligence to us. But a god of the bible?....I could turn the question on you and ask, what drives you to that conclusion?

    The point is....is that i am entitled to believe what i want and not be told by someone else....i can make up my own mind, my own mind based on the knowledge and experiences that i have. Nothing for me tells me that a God of the bible exists.

  • hippikon

    If God is out there he is a piss poor communicator

    "But it does move"

  • SixofNine
    I can always tell when I hit a nerve

    Yep, you hit one. And?

    It is rare I discuss my views,

    And I notice you have chosen not to further discuss your views with me. You make this outlandish, outrageous statement (the book of Genesis was not intended to be taken literally), and you expect not to get any negative feedback? You think because you have a kinder, gentler Old Testament, that you should be able to speak for God where the old school religionist failed?

    You know, the problem with the "truth" wasn't that we were looking for truth, it was that we were doing what you are doing now. Making it up as we went along. Oh sure, we followed along as someone else did the doctrine writing, but we bought into it.

    Excuse me if I want at least a modicum of truth with my truth.

    So I'll continue to point it out when I see people making up doctrine as they go along. It just isn't a wholesome activity.

    Genesis not meant to be taken literally, give me a break! I went thru a (short) period were I tried to make that work. It doesn't. It is what it is, and it is supposedly THE story of mankinds' (and lifes') start on this planet, among other things (all presented as fact).

    So throw in a few, "maybe's", a couple of, "I wonder if's", you know, float a theory. You probably wont' hit any nerves if you frame things that way, and you'll give the impression you are looking for truth, as opposed to starting a new religion. (or propping up an old one)

  • ros


    And I notice you have chosen not to further discuss your views with me.

    Right. That should tell you I don't give a 'love' (a 4-letter word) what you believe. Responding to someone asking about my beliefs does not equate preaching to trying to convert.

    I've been criticized for not expressing my views on these boards. Thank you for expressing so beautifully why it is not wise.
    If my posts spike a nerve, why not skip them. (I don't read yours.)

  • dedalus

    Let me just butt in for a second to point out that the majority of those posting are, whether they'll acknowledge it or not, referring to the Christian God -- be he Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, the Trinity, or all or none of the above.

    That being the case, here is why I'm not a believer (call me agnostic):

    God is an asshole. In the Old Testament he kills babies. He kills children. He endorses incest and prostitution. He facilitates the genocide of peaceful civilizations. He puts his loyal servants in terrible situations. He's very touchy.

    In the New Testament things are more lovey-dovey with Jesus, but his apostles promptly commence to mucking things up once Christ is dead, and in Revelation the bad-ass Old Testament God returns with a bloody vengeance.

    Even if he exists, I say, God is a joke, an absentee father, a jerk, a moron, an idiot. And why the hell would I want to worship him, much less believe in him?

    To hell with God. He's a bum, and we don't need the bastard.

    Having said all that ... Farkel is right that belief in God requires the putting aside of logic in favor of faith. What he doesn't say is that faith can be a beautiful thing, only one rarely encounters a person who holds it gracefully and with dignity. Faith is fragile, for it is indelibly linked to the doubt that constantly threatens to destroy it. Faith is a Siamese twin, a beautiful freak.


  • outnfree


    Firstly, what if Adam and Eve hadn't eaten of the tree of knowledge AND ALSO HADN'T EVER EATEN OF the tree of life? WOULD they have lived forever?

    Anyway, I think I understand what you said, about not being able to recognize what is truly good without having had the contrast of the truly evil.

    However, I'm wondering how long one would have to spend on this earth experiencing evil before it was ok to just 'off' oneself to hurry up one's experiencing the greater good of the spiritual life?


  • Farkel


    I don't think I've ever seen you this touchy before. You were posed some good questions and your arguments were attacked in a mostly respectful manner. Then you just clammed up and said "I don't wanna play anymore." Dubs do that, and I can understand why. Fundies do that I can understand why, but you are neither.

    You told me that logic is not always trustworthy and JanH pointed out that (basically) that is true, IF the argument is valid but not sound. Arguments by necessity MUST be given the ability to be valid, so as to test the validity of the premises. Otherwise, science and breakthrough ideas would not happen. By assuming that any kinds of premises are true, the first step is to see if the conclusion in an argument necesssarily comes from the premises. Once the argument is found to be valid, THEN the premises can be tested. If any of them fail, the whole argument can fall.

    Jan gave you a solid argument for the non-existence of God and you just nit-picked at it, IMHO.

    What needs to be directly addressed is:

    Since God CREATED everything, then God created evil. If God did not create evil then he did not create everything. It can be no other way. Even if you mince around and say that God created the possibility of evil, but didn't actually create evil, then it begs the question, why would God do that if he didn't want any evil to exist in his Creation? If you use the "God's creatures have free will" argument, I guarantee you will see that one quickly demolished. Free will is fine and dandy, but if God did not even create a context called "evil" or a concept called "evil" then any exercise of free will would not be able to do any evil. Therefore, God created the possibility of evil. Why did he do that? I wonder myself.

    That is the whole key. The Bible says that everything he created is good and that nothing came into this earth without him. Yet evil exists in this earth. Therefore, evil must also be "good," yet we know that evil is the opposite of good. We have a serious dilemma on our hands.

    The evidence the Bible offers contradicts the observable facts, unless one is audacious enough to admit that NO evil exists on this earth. Yet, we humans DO have a concept of a thing called "evil" and God created everything including the concepts we have. How could we even have a NOTION about a thing called "evil" if God didn't give us the ability to have that notion? We couldn't. Therefore, God has a big hand in being responsible for not only the possibility of evil, but for it's very existence and our awareness of it. It cannot be any other way if we use the Bible as our guidepost.

    I certainly have no problems with your personal beliefs, but like all personal religious beliefs, they cannot be substantiated with any formal logic.

    God gave us logic. God also gave us the ability to have faith. Faith and logic are mutually incompatible. Therefore, God has a great sense of humor and is laughing at us all at our expense right now. Or maybe there's another and better explanation. That is what I'm looking to discover. I'm fairly sure I already have the answers and when I find the right questions, I will re-discover those answers.

    But I do have my priorities, and now I must take a break and let loose a really huge fart. (I hope it not one of those farts that my Mom calls "surprises," i.e. "time to burn some underwear.) Since God made everything, God made farts, too. He could have found a better way to make us deal with gas without blowing up into thousands of pieces with all that the pressure, but he chose farts as a relief instead. As I said, he has a great sense of comedy for those of us in the human arena. I think God had man make elevators for the sole purpose of laughing at the poor schmuck who fires one off on the first floor of a packed elevator cage during a fifty-floor ride.


  • SixofNine

    Yikes! Methinks I hit a nerve, lol.

  • ros

    My thing is I really do not like to argue. It is quite possible that Norm is right--I shouldn't participate on boards where arguing is the sport and anyone who does not like to argue is just not playing the game.

    I certainly have no problems with your personal beliefs, but like all personal religious beliefs, they cannot be substantiated with any formal logic.

    If you'll look back, even I said that.
    I just don't happen to believe that God has to be created in your image of Him. I don't perceive creation the way you think it has to be for God to exist. Maybe you think auto-evolution has all these have-to-be traits. That's fine with me. What ever will be will be.
    What people just can't seem to get through their heads, even when I back down and express some of my views, is that I'm not trying to convince anyone to change THEIR mind.

    I'm getting tired of this. I think I'll let you guys to back to wrangling with the fundies.

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