How can it be called love when it is contingent on religious fervor? I saw first hand today how some dubs only respect those of the faith, while dismissing others as scum. Their ridiculous, unnecessary preaching work is their only claim to being Christ's followers. In every other way they fail miserably. It annoys even non-Christians. Any thoughts?
What's up with JWs only loving each other?
by new light 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, it is obvious it is completely unchristian, unsupported by the bible they purport to follow. The story of the good Samaritan about covers how a Christian is to behave. But for a high-control organization, this lack of love makes perfect sense. How could they maintain complete control over their "sheep" if they fraternize willy-nilly with ordinary people?
The most laughable article I ever read was where they suggested that door-knockers could commisserate with their audience by discerning the householder's needs from the LAWN ORNAMENTS.
Yes, I have seen this first hand as well. When my kids were living with their mother and stepdad, they were forbade to even talk to the other neighborhood kids at all. It was humiliating for everyone when Sara, my ex-wife, would come outside with a scowl on her face and order the girls into the house if she saw any of the "worldly" neighborhood kids around. She would say, "girls, come in the house. I don't want you playing with those worldly kids because they are bad association. If you are going to talk to them you should talk to them about Jehovah."
She is the same woman who use to conduct a WT study with the kids holding a wooden yard stick and wack them if they sighed during the study or even so much as rolled their eyes. Step dad is an alcoholic who has gone to jail 2 or 3 times for domestic violence and battery.
OTOH.......I saw alot of love in my time as a JW, towards each other in the congregation, at assemblies and at Conventions. I took along with me numerous non-JWs and they all said the same too. They never became JWs as far as I am aware, but they did comment on that.
I remember many times love was shown to me too.
Its just my observation
How can it be called love when it is contingent on religious fervor?
Not even at the Hall are they truely, honestly loving. The cliques and the false spiritual standards they grade each other with eliminate the expressing of REAL love!
I saw alot of love in my time as a JW, towards each other in the congregation, at assemblies and at Conventions. I took along with me numerous non-JWs and they all said the same too
Yes, Scooby, I believe the congregation did display much love to the newly interested ones you may have brought to the Kingdom Hall or Assemblies. Those attending always have their best JW faces on, and it is so easy to express love toward new ones in that setting. It's the nature of the beast while roping new ones into the religion.
I think, however, we are talking about how most JW's would not so much as give a "worldly person" the time of day outside of the Kingdom Hall.
I remember when I was 16. I was having major problems with my mother. I went through a rough spell and went missing for a couple days. The night of the second day, I was sitting outside of a restaurant, it was very cold and I had no money and no shoes. I had not eaten since the morning of the day I went missing. I saw an elder who I had known since I was 9 yo entering the restuarant with his wife. They walked right by me, looked me right in the eye, but did not say one word to me. I was obviously cold and in a very bad way. This was my cousin's best friend by the way, so there is no way in hell he did not know me.
They ate, they came out of the restaurant and said nothing, did not even look my way. Love? LOL.
They are taught to take care of themselves and their "brothers and sisters" in the organization first and foremost. The older ones, and some of the newer ones in different areas have been taught from day one to "set an example when trying to teach others the truth" and to shun those that doubt the organization. If that isn't the recipe for fake I don't know what is. Personally I cannot bring myself to blame each JW individually, though. They are only doing what is STRONGLY implied they do from the literature they read and sermons they hear.
This has always been one of my largest issues with the organization: Seperation from the "world." God has no conditions on his love, right? I wouldn't think so. If this is the "truth" then what is to be feared by mixing with such ones? How could ANYONE turn a blind eye to something so blatantly RIGHT despite who they chose to associate with? Guess what we can because it's NOT the "truth." There may be some truths... but no absolute truth. If there were only absolute truth as the way they seem to try and live, then God would not have given us choice. Just because we make an unwise choice God is not going to stop loving us why should they? Just because we do not chose something that ANOTHER MAN thinks we should chose God will not stop loving us, why should they?
If a fleshly father has an unconditional love and support for his children and God is supposed to be so incredibly MORE forgiving and loving beyond a man's comprehension what RIGHT do people in some religion have in judging someone as to take away their support and appreciation for them? That's right-- they SHOULDN'T. Like I said, however-- their minds have been conditioned to do so and I just have to remember that every so often so I am not consumed with resentment towards every one of them. You better believe I cannot stand organized religion now, though.
Thank you Aalena for your thoughtful post.
new light
Sorry, Scoob, but I agree with Corvin. Potential JWs get lots and lots of positive attention. They are seen as a class above the rest of the world.
If you are a publisher, stop going out in service and see what happens. Relationships you thought were deep will disappear seemingly overnight.
Regarding the 6,000,000,000+ non-JWs on the planet, most dubs feel they are showing more than their share of "love" by putting in hours carrying books around. They actually feel superior to real philanthropists and volunteers, as if what they are doing offers a permanent solution and that it is a waste of time to physically help people now.
Who do they help in time of disaster? Have you ever heard of the Society donating to a non-JW cause? I'm sure you can come up with the odd example as many dubs can of times that a JW gave a worldly person something, but look at the big picture. The only people the Society helps are its own, because these are the only people earmarked for eternal life, while everyone else is destined for divine destruction and it would be a waste of supplies to feed a lost cause.
Don't even mention the big "education" program in Africa. We all know there is only one reason these people are being taught to read. By the way, all "Christian" religiions are growing in leaps and bounds there, especially the Roman Catholic Church. How in the hell can the king of all "false religion" grow faster than "God's Organization"? I thought growth was a sign of God's approval.
Sorry for the rant. Nothing personal, Scoob, just trying to offer you another viewpoint!