What's up with JWs only loving each other?

by new light 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Morgan

    IMPO the WTS cannot control JWs unless they isolate them. Hense, we are considered dogs...on the outside.

    There is not any scripture to back up thier actions. We are to love our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? The whole world. How do the JWs explain they show the world love? By going door to door. Consider yourselves loved! LOL


  • M.J.

    He told me what he had to do was emotionally separate himself from his "worldy family" so he wouldn't feel so bad when they died at Armegedon (obviously advising me to do the same).
    This is all great info. I can't believe that this type of counsel is given. Being a "worldly family" member I know that my JW wife probably takes this kind of talk with a grain of salt, which I think is a very encouraging sign. We have a great family life (beyond the touchy subjects). She totally respects and enjoys the company of several of our "worldly" acquaintences and I wonder if she would catch flak for this from the cong. unbeknownst to me...

  • cyber-sista


    Not all witnesses are the same and many do love those on the outside (though undeniably the religion teaches them not too). I am married to a great guy who is not a JW and never was and our daughter never become JW either, though we continued to have a loving family together.. This is the straw that broke me to have my loving family attached in this way. Not all elders or other witnesses would make such blatant statements as this and some would express a bit more sensitivity, but not all and these are the ones who cause so much pain to the JW collective. Be patient with you wife--hopefully she will see through it one day--I did. I loved my non-JW family and have a better relationship with them than most faithful JWs, and while me being one of JWs was hard on my family in some ways our love carried us through to the end.

    The best to you,


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