This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It is nice to hear from you Dansk. Be sure that we are all barracking that your bio results are what you want to hear.



  • Dansk


    First of all, thanks again to everyone who has sent their good wishes. I REALLY appreciate it!!!

    This morning I had some bone marrow taken from my pelvis. My lymph node results are still not through, nor are my CT scan results. A really wonderful haematologist believes I have Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, of which there are many types. I am provisionally booked in to start chemotherapy treatment next Thursday, depending on my biopsy results. I was told that if I didn't receive the chemotherapy I'd be dead inside two months. VERY SOBERING!!

    Putting it into perspective, at 50 I feel young and healthy. There are little children who die of cancer every day. At least I've lived half a century. My heart goes out to the children.

    Love to all,


  • mouthy

    Ian!!! I am praying all goes well. It was good that this thread came to the top.

    I find it hard to keep up with the board -If this had not come to the top again I would have missed it .

    I just kept thinking "NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS" any news on the girls????

    All my love & keep your chin up.... Love ya ( & the family )


  • calamityjane

    Thanks for the update Ian. A Big hug to you and send our love to Claire and the boys.



  • cruzanheart

    You're in our thoughts and prayers, Ian. Thanks for keeping us updated!



  • Angharad

    Thanks for the update Ian - hope all goes smoothly.

  • freein89


    So sorry to hear your news. I've been away and just found the thread. You are in my thoughts and lately Ive managed a prayer or two, So I will add mine to those already out there.


  • Mulan
    A really wonderful haematologist believes I have Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, of which there are many types.

    That is what my niece's husband has too. He was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and is doing great. He isn't clear but it isn't progressing either. He went on a vegetarian diet, no sugar, no white flour, and is taking tons of specialized supplements, and opted not to do chemotherapy. So far so good.

    You do what your doctors recommend. As you said there are many types of this disease.

    Glad you are doing well. Have you heard from your daughters?

  • Billygoat


  • Dansk

    Thanks again, everyone!

    any news on the girls????

    I'm afraid we still haven't heard anything from them and I'm not so sure if they knew about my situation that they'd even care. I'd rather they came round out of genuine love and sincerity - something seemingly absent from JWism - and NOT out of begrudged sympathy. I couldn't stand to be patronised. They'd probably think God's punishing me for turning my back on the Org.

    We haven't let the girls know and don't intend to tell them. I'm genuinely not bitter, it serves no purpose. My girls are indoctrinated just as I was. I don't blame them at all, I blame the big wigs in the Org; those who set the dogma which comes through the Watchtower and is held as sacrosanct. The cult hold is soooo strong they can't see that the teaching is anything but Biblical.

    I've experienced more Christianity in my dogs than ever I did as a JW. My dogs are non-judgemental, they forgive me if I err, they're always loving, they're incredibly loyal and terrific companions. They're also great kissers

    Love to all,


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