This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dansk

    I received the news I dreaded today! The professor I am under said if I don't start having chemotherapy soon I'll likely be dead within a few
    months. It seems I have no choice as the aches were getting to be too much over the weekend. Strangely, I wasn't half as sore this morning when I went to the hospital. Perhaps it scared my tumour into behaving itself

    I'm due to have the chemotherapy next week. It's a difficult time but people have had worse.

    Special K,

    The best introductory books to Buddhism that I have found are The Buddha's Way by H. Siddhatissa, What the Buddha Taught by W. Rahula and The Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau. The first two are very much in the Theravada (old school) vein, but brilliant in their simplicity. Kapleau's book is, for me, the definitive guide to Zen Buddhism. All beautiful books to help you become more beautiful than you already are - in your inner self.

    Thanks for all the latest postings everyone. I needed them today, especially.

    With sincere love and affection,


  • Sirona


    Sorry you're being almost forced to take the chemo. A lady at my work is going through chemo, she's had two lots. Fortunately she hasn't had very many adverse symptoms, so I hope you are the same.


    and (((HUGS)))) to Claire and family,



  • jgnat

    Thinking of you, Dansk.

    Here is a computer game to help you blast the dreaded "C" in to infinity.

  • kls

    I am sorry you have to go through chemo, but it sounds like you have no choice. You are a fighter and survivor and very muck loved.

  • Dansk

    Sirona, jgnat and kls, thank you!

    Jgnat, I couldn't get on to the link. Got an error message!



  • Sassy

    Dansk, I am sorry it is time for chemo... I hope that it gives you what you need to fight this off..

  • jgnat

    Oops, try this:

    Click on "Play Ben's Game"

  • Sunspot

    Dear Ian,

    Well, the news wasn't what you wanted to hear......but look at it this way, with ALL the changes you've made in fighting this thing, AND with Chemo added to THAT----it will blow that Cancer clean off the map for you!

    Then it will be all behind you......

    hugs always to you and your family,


  • Alleymom

    Ian --

    Best wishes with the chemo! Annie's thoughts parallel mine --- now that you've revved your immune system up as much as you can with the alternative remedies, hopefully the chemo will be even *more effective.

    Two of my nephews (ages 19 and 21) are moving in with us tomorrow, so I've been busy trying to clear away enough room for them. I'm so glad I caught up tonight with what's been going on. You're in my thoughts and prayers every day!



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't get here much at the moment, but you and Claire are in my thoughts every day Ian.

    BTW, I had an undiagnosed lump rapidly get bigger then disappear while on a Gerson like diet. Max said that inflamation was a good thing and usually preceeded remission.

    Just having a red clover tea from blossoms picked on the roadside before I pop off to bed.


    Chris, of the NEVER give up Class.

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