This thread is quite interesgting and since a longer time I have made my thinkings about the cross.
At least I guess it was the policy from the judge to find a name for his biblestudents as there were too many others called them biblestudents.
This is like marketing, defining product policy.
To this belongs the stroy of the cross.
For me it is rather clear that Watchtower and history may both have right. The Romans used a pole where they nailed the person on. thsi large pole was always placed on the location of Golgotha. The delinquent who received his death penalty in the City took up his patibulum - the horizontal part of the cross.
So you can say the turture stake and you can say the cross. both may be right but finally, when he hang on it the viewer sees a cross.
Watchtower may recognize this as option but you know - they are concrete heads and such dont change their opinion. they get raped from the podest like those concrete heads behind the former iron curtain - they were put down from the monument.
At least it seems they now allthing from nothing as they shape their testimonials like you see it by the start of this thread.
and I may remind of the Hitler letter from 1933, published in the yb 1934 where you can read how they tried to creep the German leader, Mr Schickelhuber into his brown ass. but they were rejected and those who were so foolish to spread the declaration on their own name were arrested.
Arrested for a dirty policy of a man who made martyrs in case of marketing. A couple of years later the swiss branch declared that JWs stay at the weapeons, so they did not loose their Siwtzerland property but made bad copmpromise like today with the UNgodly organsiation, the image of the beast.
I cant eat as much as I must vomit when I think of the facts behind the reality.
There is a truth behind the truth, this truth is hidden for the normal publisher as he is like in quarantine - forbidden contact to those who know it. And those who know it and are JWs must fear that they get df'd.
That is a practice that dishonours Jehovah who has made us with a free mind. They make us to be slaves of the UNtruth and put on us our own repsonisbility. The slave has the right to give us food at the appropiate time - it is our decision to eat or to reject it.
I guess that is a coward theory that will end very soon, when the ivory towers will fall.
Greetings to those who prove to be searchers