"I can't associate with you but I can take your dirty money and will pretend to like you to get it".
I can take this one further . . .
I have a friend who is also df'd. She now lives on the property her father left her when he died. Also living on the same property is her sister, a JW in good standing. Every time the two sisters see each other the JW sis totally ignores and turns her nose up at the df'd sister. When their father died, everything was left to the df'd sister, including a large amount of money. Nothing was left to the JW sister or their brother. Out of a kind heart, the df'd sister split the cash in three equal sums and gave it to them. The JW sister still treats the df'd sister like crap.
Being bothered very much over this, the df's sister called an elder and asked if it was OK for a JW in good standing to take a cash gift from a DF'd person. The elder resonded, "I don't see why not."
Again, another prime example of the hypocrisy in the organization.