Thanks for all the responses.
Scully, thanks for the welcome too.
I thought there must be a loop hole to justify the illogical behavior. I know some JW's that will not give you a second look until they have something to sell you. I will not contribute my hard earned money to such a person be it charity or otherwise. Yes and I have seen some active JW's even welcome smokers and people with the American flag decals on their cars into their homes as long as they're giving them money. We have some in the neighborhood who borrow constantly from the "dirty worldly types", that is apparently acceptable too.
Yes, you will probably do the right thing because that is what is good and natural. Their bad behavior is not natural. We have some relatives that are having some financial difficulty and health issues, it will be intersting to see how much support they get from their "Brothers & Sisters"! I agree with you, some do seem to have a sense of entitlement.
Ohio cowboy: I won't be buying any of them presents for special occasions any time soon!
Kls: I guess it would be hard to not accept money from "worldly" people if you have a business where "worldly" people are coming to you, but to purposely "love bomb" us in pursuit of our money is in my opinion tacky and it pisses me off too. I'm a "dirty worldly" person and I even have that much conviction and principles! On a few occasions when I was generous with a few of them, they were almost in disbelief that one of us could possibly be so kind and generous as they only view themselves.
Gopher: Those are the very reasons I will purposely not give to them, other than relatives. It usually goes against my generous nature, but this really irks me. Reminds me of a stingy child that just takes and never shares.
Corvin & Talesin: That is unbeleivable!