Are You JW/ Inactive/Fading/Gone.........?

by ScoobySnax 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    exjdub..... you asked me what i still hang on to.

    I think its that the in the job I do, I see lots of awful things, tradegies, day in day out....I can't believe that its all that we humans have, to live and then just die. There must be a higher reason for being here.

    The Truth seemed to answer all those questions in my mind, questions that we all have. Why are we here, where are we going, whats the point of it all? Also JWs are unique in that they offer a way of life and hope that isn't found in traditional churches. I watch priests and vicars and various ministers come to comfort people in the hospital, God wanted to take them away, it was their time to go, it isn't for us to know, God works in mysterious ways....etc That explanation always made me feel empty......all too vague

    Going to Witness meetings and listening as I got a bit older, suddenly it all seemed to make sense. All the Whys, wheres, what ifs, 'where're we goings, seemed to make sense.

    I never felt manipulated, or co-erced. I just faded because other life experiences got a hold of me. But I didn't forget.


  • JT

    actually you will be just fine, when we used to host little informal --former/current jw --brainstormers at our house this issue always came up,

    where do i go, what do i do, when will i feel safe, cold turkey or drift-

    well i tell folks for once in your life you have the opportunity to do what is BEST FOR YOU

    recall how in wt they always tried to make everyone feel---, if sister single parent with 9 kids , one arm, no job no car and no teeth can pioneer then what is your excuse sister jone married with no kids , good job, etc-

    we were always being sold that one size fits all, if leroy can do it then Pookey can do it-

    welll now you are actually seeing how folks live in the real world, each person makes decisions on what is best for them, not what someone else tells you to do

    for some Standing up at the front of the Hall, Mooning and Farting at the congo after the elder reads their DA letter is the way they leave

    for others merely drifting away from the org and not dealing with anyone until they are ready is their way-

    for us we drifted for the purpose of getting our mind cleaned, building a new cliente of friends and now we are at the point where we really don't care what they do, we enjoy the holidays with neighbors and new friends, we support out local politcal party, i own a home now and taxes are important to me now-

    so each person in due to must decided DON'T RUSH IT, when the time is right you will know


    IT was a slow process of years of indoctrination into thier dogma and for many of us it takes years of UN-INDOCTRINATION TO LEAVE

    WE STARTED OUR journey in 1995 with the generation change, and it was no until april of 1998 did i turn in my flockbook , my keys to the file I was the SEC, my keys to the hall and ask them to reassign someone to do my bookstudy, and that tuesday after the service meeting was the last night my wife or i have stepped across the sill of a Hall-

    so take your time, just continue to READ READ READ


    1. "Religion is what the common people see as true, the wise people see as false, and the rulers see as useful."
    -Roman philosopher Seneca-

    2 The three essential human freedoms:
    The first is freedom of speech and expression.

    The second is freedom of conscience.
    The third is freedom from fear.

    The Freedom to Think means:

    "I'd rather have Questions that I can't Answer ----Than Questions, I can't Ask.

    (or Answers that I can't Question)."

    "..... anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he had been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preserve himself." The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli.

  • HappyDad

    Hey Scoob,

    At least the priests and vicars visit their people in the hospital. That's more than the JW's I was involved with for over 30 years did when my wife was dying ...........when my father was dying...............and when my mother was dying...................all in a period of 2 years.

    Two weeks after my wife died the memorial talk was given...........some of the ones she grew up with in the "truth?" didn't even show up for the talk. One JW showed up for the visitation when my Dad died. Two JW's from the KH I transferd to came to my Mom's visitation. (she was DF'd in 1973 because she liked tobacco, but she still defended the crazy shit til' she died! ) 25 years of shunning of her and she still thought most of them were ok........What a waste of precious love! They are all STEPFORD PEOPLE (have you seen the Stepford Wife movie? A new version is coming out.............all of them are .F@?K#%G ZOMBIES!


  • HappyDad


    I wish I were as articulate as you. My mind doesn't work as well as most. I guess I'm plain and crude.

    Great post and siad well!

    HappyDad (Bill)

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Hey Scooby,

    I wish I could put my life?s experiences and insight into your mind with like a Vulcan mind-melt, or something like that. It would also prolly help for you to be able to place what your feeling and the way you see your world into my mind for a few moments to help me gain perspective. Maybe this way I could understand completely what you?re feeling and then be able to offer some kind of genuine help. Short of all that, all I can do is imagine where you are and where I think you should be and where I think you need to grow/go to.

    Well, I can tell you this. That every former JW I have talked with over ten years time (its gotta be in the hundreds) who have made the difficult choices that have separated them from the Watchtower Society, have without fail, summed up their experiences in one word. They have all felt a wonderful sense of freedom. But with freedom comes the responsibility of making wise and responsible choices. When someone leaves the Watchtower Society it?s kinda like when someone leaves home. They have had everything fed to them; their choices made for them and their perspective given to them. But when they step out on their own they have to provide these things for themselves. And this can be a frightening experience. As they began to see the world as if for the first time, they began to realize what they have been trained has either been a good working model or it hasn?t. Maybe something?s are and something?s not. To follow the analogy I think for a JW leaving their Watchtower Society, it?s kinda like leaving a bad home environment. Maybe you don?t feel like you?ve been abused (many former JW?s do feel like they have been abused), but you still have been given bad, or more to the point, an inaccurate real world model to follow and to use to interact with life. Only you can determine what you will ?keep? and what you will ?discard? as you go through this process. But the thing is, that it won?t really begin until you make the decision to step out on your own. That?s when the lesson really begins. You?ll learn to look at the world the way the YOU see it and not the way you?ve been trained to. You may keep your faith in God, or you may not. If you do decide to maintain a relationship with God (as I have) you?ll discover that He isn?t very much at all like what the JW has been trained to believe Him to be. I?ll let you find that out for yourself. But the thing is Scoob, you?ll never know sitting on the fence and all you?ll get for your troubles is a sore ass.

    Its your life Scoob, don?t live it for a group, live it for yourself.


  • avengers
    "Sitting on the Fence" "Leading a Double Life" or just a fader.

    None of the above. Maybe you should add; have become the Org's worst enemy, 'cause that's the category where I'd be.


  • onacruse


    I'm concerened for those still on the fringe, thats all.


    What answers do you have for them?

    In my sincerest heart, all I can say is: your own continuing indecision and angst is consuming you alive, like WTS maggots crawling on your open flesh.

    "Physician, heal thyself."


  • new light
    new light

    After learning the truth about WTS, I stopped cold. No meetings, no service, non-acceptance of any and all "shepherding" efforts. A little idealistic, maybe, but it had to be done. I still have a lot of love for the individuals within the org., but that will not sway me into working for such a dishonest corporation. Best thing I ever did.

  • zev

    to answer the question....

    Are You JW/ Inactive/Fading/Gone.........?


    see ya......

  • Blueblades

    Elvis has left the building.GONE!


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