Are You JW/ Inactive/Fading/Gone.........?

by ScoobySnax 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    "Sitting on the Fence" "Leading a Double Life" or just a fader.

    Its strange I envy both JWs and exJWs, after all each have a clear direction of where their lives are headed. They have a definate view of how they feel, what they think, where they're going, what they are.

    Is there anything worse than being neither, constantly treading the line between inactivity and association. No I won't have a blood transfusion, yes I will attend the Memorial, No I won't shun others, Yes I will tell others about my faith when cornered, No I won't diss the Org, Yes I will go to the Xmas party..........etc etc ....... It goes on. All of my life is full of should I or shouldn't I questions.

    Its quite tiring. And its hypocritical.

    How do you cope? How did you stay or just hang on?


  • dh

    i'm a gone case

  • ScoobySnax

    like beyond redemption dh? Say it ain't so.........

    I'm concerened for those still on the fringe, thats all.


  • gold_morning

    I spent 16 years like that. I did not go to meetings, but I knew I would never take blood. on and on and on.

    I finally did something about it. I decided to really read the bible without the watchtower glases on. Whoa and behold the truth was there and more shocking .... I didn't need the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to tell me how to understand it.

    Now I am a Christian and all I have to worry about it loving and accepting Jesus as the only one who forgives my sins (not elders) and gives me life. No more living on the fence... no more guilt and best of all... no more trying to earn my salvation.

    I wish it for everyone.

    agape love, Gold

  • ScoobySnax

    GoldMorning.....Thats interesting. Thanks. You say you finally are a "Christian" you now go to church and accept the Trinity/heaven/hellfire doctrines?


  • blondie

    I'm a fader, no meetings/assemblies for 2 years. I'm already gone. I have been reassessing my beliefs. Notice that fader is my term not the Watchtower's.


  • 4JWY

    Gone - cold turkey- outta there- exit stage left.

  • ScoobySnax

    Its like in my mind, the JW way I was bought up will never leave me. I can't forget the Truth. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a good little dub, far from it, I could be d/f on several issues by now. But. And thats it, BUT, Its not something I can forget or leave just like that, its still with me. And I don't hate it. I still have a respect for it.

    Old timers here will say...Here he goes again...... but its true, I can't help the way I feel. It hasn't changed. I still miss the Truth, but I can't get my life on track to go back there again. Not just yet.


  • 4JWY

    Scooby -

    it does run deep. Maybe those things you could be df'd for should come out in the open. How would you feel about "the truth" then? Do you think you should be judged by human's standards for those things you did that warrant df-ing? They are only MEN - it's a man made system of control - free yourself and you will finally enjoy life - it is BEAUTIFUL..

  • exjdub
    Its like in my mind, the JW way I was bought up will never leave me. I can't forget the Truth.


    I understand the dilemma. What changed it for me is that I hate to be manipulated, so when I found out that there were so many hypocritical issues with the Society, I just rejected all of their "teachings". I have not had to have a transfusion, nor has anyone in my family, but if they needed it to live I would have no problem with it. I am curious...what aspect of the "Truth" do you miss? Is it because it has been a part of your life for so long?


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