In was baptized in 1983 at the age of 18. By the end of 1984, I was beginning the fade thing. For 5 years I was an "inactive" witness. I can recall maybe one visit from an elder , though a few more from some "friends" that had missed me. Shortly after I married in June 1989, it was announced that by my actions I was to be considered "disassociated." I don't know what actions they came up with-marrying a non-believer-is that grounds for it? The fact that I was married in a church? Looking around at Quotes website, I see that the elders can make this determination if the person has:
15 Or, a person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of an organization whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. (Compare Revelation 19:17-21; Isaiah 2:4.) So if one who was a Christian chose to join those who are disapproved of God, it would be fitting for the congregation to acknowledge by a brief announcement that he had disassociated himself and is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.*** Watchtower 1981 Sept 15 p.20-26 Disfellowshiping?How to View It ***
Did they determine because I was marrying someone of different faith, in a church that I became part of that organziation? (which I had not done, btw)
On their own website ( they list the practices God hates as being:
fornication, lying, gambling, stealing, fits of anger, violence, magical spells and spiritism, drunkeness
None of which they can claim I was guilty of!
This has really got me thinking tonight. Does anyone here have a similar situation -that of being "disassociated by your actions" as determined by the elders? I'm just curious. I don't even really care, except for the fact that it has severed ties with one of my brothers.
Thanks for any input!
Of the can't sleep, 'cause I'm doing to much thinking class!