I thought theere were few elderly JWs in thsese homes. Several people, and also read somewhere that the Witnesses should take care of their own and these homes are the last resource.
JW Aging Parents/ Rest Homes
by 4JWY 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, that is the view I always knew to be the case.
I was the sole caretaker of dad for the seven years after my mom died, but when I stopped attending meetings, he suffered dissonance related to the fact that maybe he shouldn't be allowing himself to associate with me in regards to his daily care even. That's where the hopelessness entered in for him.
Undaunted Danny
In 1987 we get a conference phone call, grave issue on: what are we gonna do about my lifelong devout senile very elderly JW paternal grandparents.They are in need of a PCA [personal care attendant} and don't have the funds. They don't have any money left for their elderly care because my grandfather,GAVE ALL HIS 'DISPOSABLE' ASSESTS TO THE WBT$.{ end of the world coming in 1975} The Haszard clan all had to pitch in $$$ to care for them.My grandfather died first, at 80 years old.He hadn't spoken for 3 years prior to his passing due to helpless senility.He was a proud and independent survivor in his time. Multiply this horror show times MILLIONS of defaulted,and defrauded WT$ 'cash cow' victims. Hail the apostate Heroes!! We are the voices of retribution.We are heroes.
Undaunted Danny
Death and taxes,everyone faces mortality. I know of many cases of incompatible marriages in the 'troof'.Where you have elders exercising their perk to rob the cradle.Likewise with the women.The Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall was big on sisters hooking up with "Toy Boys" at half their ages.. .Prestige of marrying an Elder will it be worth it?It is really gonna s**k when you have to CHANGE DADDY'S DIAPERS. Do pampers disposable come in XXL adult ????
...and I applaud you Danny for all your efforts!
edited to add:
... you got that one right too Danny - several with new trophy wives, (future caregivers) in our locale -
my dad at 83, attempted to snag one too.
I am so sorry. I did'nt catch the integral part of the post about him taking his life, I'm on meds that occasionally play tricks on my short term memory. ((((4JWY))))
((((( 4JWY )))) Sorry to hear about your father. I have trouble understanding how any JW can reconcile how taking one's life, is better in God's eyes, that being in a home for seniors, or any other circumstances for that matter.
Very saddening to think of how the WTBTS has so negatively affected the thinking process of such souls.
avishai and xj:
Thank you guys ~ and avishai, it's o.k. - believe me, I understand ~ Be well !
Yes, xj -Nobody should take lightly the constant negative thinking taught and reinforced by the org - AND, it's affects on the psyche -
- when one has lived with it for decades, it takes it's toll, even if one doesn't recognize it himself. In my dad's case, there were other factors involved. Being bipolar, the JW lifestyle/belief system wasn't the best fit for him. It came down to severe depressive episodes and agitation. The way he reconciled it was that, as his note stated, Jehovah knows all and he would be the judge. Sad to say, but - it's actually easier to accept his action, than to see the way he was feeling each day.
W: Thanks for the thread I managed the kitchen at the local nursing home. There was an eld. with cancer that lived the end of his life there His wife said he decided when for her was the right time for him to go there. He was very aloof with the other residents. Demanding and rude to those of us that cared for him.Which always surprised me (I was active at the time) Here was a man that used to visit these people now he had nothing to do with them.He treated females especially poorly.Could never reason out his thinkin of course he could of been bitter being sick. I'm more inclined to think he was just "more so" meaning however you are as a rule you could become "more so" as you age. (((W.))) I think of what you have gone through often. I'm sorry that you lost your dad this way.
BEMs mom