Tertullian & June 15/00 WT on Blood

by hawkaw 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    In my reading of Eusebius regarding Biblis (Biblias), I would now just like to add my humble 2 cents worth for what it is worth.

    The WTS (in the above quote from its blood booklet) suggests that a women died for her principles on not eating blood. Here lies the first problem with the WTS quote. The WTS doesn't tell us who the women is. Thanks to some person with years more experience than me I was able to post the above and we are now able to find out that this women is Biblis.

    It is true that Biblis did utter a phrase "...are not allowed to eat the blood even of irrational animals" according to the writings of Eusebius. But the WT conveniently forgets to add the first part of the sentence that Eusebius used.

    If you read Book 5 of Eusebius (which I have quoted for you in the above posts), Eusebius lists all the stories of people who were put on the "rack" by the pagans and killed for being Christian or supporting the Christians in the area of Lyons. One of the persons who was put on the rack by the pagans was a lady named Biblis (or Biblias). Biblis was put on "rack" with the thought that the she would expose the Christians as people who eat children. The feeling among the pagans was she would expose the Christians as the eaters of children because she didn't believe in Christ. Of course, while on the "rack" and while being tortured, Biblis came to her senses and found Christianity. At this point she refuted the pagans who were torturing her and supported the Christians. Eusebius states "How, she said, could those eat children who do not think it lawful to taste the blood even of irrational animals?'"

    Biblis point was Christians don't partake in eating children. She tells the pagans, how could Christians be eating people when don't taste the blood of irrational animals. The point she was making is eating blood and flesh are cannibalistic acts. Christians don't practice cannibalism or murder.

    Biblis was talking about the gross sin of cannibalism (eating children) and nothing more. She did not want to compromise the principle that Christians did not partake in eating children and that is why she died on the rack. She did not die on the rack because of some dietary blood prohibition.

    The WTS tries to portray the story of Biblis as someone who died for the principles of not eating the blood of irrational animals. The WTS even knew the name of the women but didn't put it in their blood brochure. Why? Because any Witness could look up Biblis in their own WT publication "Insight into the Scriptures" and there, using the WTS own words they could link Biblis to the principle of how Christians didn't believe in cannibalism and not a dietary blood ban.

    Just a couple of thoughts.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Is this material common knowledge?

    Thank you.


  • Okidok


  • hawkaw

    Hi Jerry,

    The material is in the public domain. I have provided all internet urls in this post for you to look at.

    You can also go to the library if you want.

    Is it common? Well it all depends where you live and how you investigate things.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Thank you, very much.

    Took you up on all suggestions, a worth while if jarring experience. I have access to an excellent library. I guess the very fact everyone has to post anonymously, including me, is quite damning in itself. I thought the spirit of Christ brings freedom.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    hawk said:

    I would like to prove to [Gorman] that the WTS actually printed what they did. Thus, I need a scanned copy of the WT 10/01/2001 QFR and cover page.

    I have these scans, and original hard copies. If you provide an email I will happily send the scans along. We can talk about sending an original hard copy to a physical address, if need be. Maximus knows me. If you prefer you can send your email address through him, since I think you two have already connected. My email has been opened here, but I cannot confirm whether direct email requests are coming from you or not.

  • hawkaw

    Marvin & Maximus,

    I sent both of you Emails this morning. Marvin, you will note that I have provided my full name, address, phone number etc. so you know I am for real. Also Maximus and LeeElder should also confirm me incase you are worried.

    I am easy either way - either you or Max can send me the stuff and I will go from there. I am going on holidays shortly so I will have to get this done pronto.

    Thanks for all of your help Marvin and you too Max.


  • Maximus

    Factus est. It's a done deal.

    Would the person who sent me scans please also send me a scan of any inside cover, to show the enormity, the gazillion languages ...

    Who wears a belt AND suspenders some days

  • waiting

    Hello Hawk

    The argments you put forth just make a person stop and think. I've been a jw in good standing for 30 years, and didn't know of a woman named Biblis who was put on the rack. Never heard of her.

    I've known of this quote "by an early Christian," for some time - but not the origins and background of her comment because I didn't know her name. Well, and also, if the WTBTS didn't write about her - I, being the average jw, would not have looked into a worldly history book. How strange that the meaning changes so drastically knowing the background.

    Thanks for putting your sources up - it helps us to read what we've never known we've had acess to before. It's shameful what we jw's thought we knew - and then find out we know only what our masters wanted us to know.

    A young jw man who works with me knows I go on the web about jw's. He lectured me one day that "all the information I needs to know about the Society and history can be found in the Society's writings. No need to go into the dangerous web looking for knowledge."

    A while back, someone initiated the *SMACK!* thought. Like when you hit yourself in the forehead - and the smack sound that comes - at the same time as you say to yourself "How could I be That Stupid!"

    Hello Jerry and Oki

    Welcome to our forum. This thread's a mind bender, eh? Nice to meet y'all. Look forward to your comments. So much we jw's don't know.

    SMACK! waiting

  • hawkaw

    I'm glad you found it useful, 'waiting".

    I have another one on the go as well but it will have to wait a couple of weeks.

    Take care


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