Suspicions About 'Rich' Witnesses

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Recently, I visited an area known for its 'healthy' congregations. I spoke with an experienced elder about conditions

    there. He spoke glowingly about pioneers and not having enough Kingdom Halls. Knowing that he is an irrepressible

    optimist, I probed further.

    I read the accounts report - less than 600 bucks for the worldwide work is not remarkable. The meeting attendance

    was 60's, 70's and 80's. His son's kids have all left the truth.

    I DID notice lots of expensive new cars. I learned that many of the elders have high paying jobs and college degrees.

    Many of the kids are headed into college, too. I saw that they stay 'healthy' - not directly because of ANYTHING the Watchtower

    dictates BUT BECAUSE of the web of social and business contacts within the organization. Stay out of trouble and

    you'll have a good life, brother - and the 'smarter', better looking Witness kids know this.

    In short, these 'spiritually healthy' congregations are actually closer to assimilation by the world than many poor ones,

    even though they produce the nice numbers that THE C.O. WANTS TO HEAR! You won't get far arguing against the 'truth'

    there - but you may not have to in ten years or so.

    Don't believe the Society's statistics. Remember that all totalitarian groups produce glowing reports about themselves,

    for internal consumption. Where's the 'free press' to disagree? Who would say otherwise? The Mainland Chinese asked

    the CIA for statistical help with their economy after Nixon went to China. Why? Because they couldn't trust their own

    figures! The same is true about the Watchtower seeking outside consultants or accountants to examine their internal



  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Thanks, Metranon. That's very interesting.

  • minimus

    Wealthier Witnesses aren't rocked by many of the things that affect poorer JWs. They've got their "little paradise" right now. Plus from a social status, they are in the driver's seat. Life is good because they have means and recognition.

  • EyeDrEvil

    Don't believe the Society's statistics. Remember that all totalitarian groups produce glowing reports about themselves, for internal consumption.

    Excellent point! Especially when any JW that I have spoken to recently use "growth" of the WTS as PROOF of da TROOF.

    Numbers can be made to say whatever you want. See Enron for all the verification you need there!


  • Special K
    Special K

    You have some really good points there metatron.

    I had never thought of it that way.

    Rigged statistics ..


    Special K

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Metatron you hit a nerve,countless times i've had benevolent worldlings offer unsolicited commentary about,"nice cars that JW's have"

    The Haszard family legacy .

    My Dad began full time pioneering in 1951 with an adjusted for inflation nest egg of $50,000.He formed the original start up Bridgewater Massachusetts USA Kingdom Hall.

    Married in 1956 flat broke and busted and the Haszard family has been broken ever since.....

    Read all about my disastrously dysfunctional Jehovah's Witness family @

    The saga of the,COOLS vs. the GEEKS

    Power, Prestige,Pu**y and the compulsion to be "COOL" at all cost.What it means to be 'exemplary'.Exemplary means that you '$how what you owe'.

    In 1989 a leading elder { that I trusted } taps me on the shoulder and tells me how he has telephoned the WT$ H.Q. Ivory tower,to inquire on,"how much longer can it last"."It can only 'last' just a few more months is the ominous reply".

    Yes sir, this is heavy on my heart. Just how will I be 'found in the day of Jehovah's anger'?Will I 'probably' be saved?How do I conduct myself with the horrific death of nearly 6 billion men women and small children on my conscience?Will I be found 'blood-guilty' for not serving Jehovah to the fullest.[Col.3:23]

    Who, should I look to as an example?What about the resident'Bethelite'?He just did a stint at Brooklyn and was a ministerial servant,and is looked up to as "exemplary". He is also considered to be the 'coolest' guy in the hall.In fact he drives a 'cool' two door Saab coupe.{the sisters are drooling over him}.He also subscribes to 'worldly',Rolling stone and Spin magazines.So he can be current with all the latest coolest 'worldly'. trends.

    In contrast,I have heeded the WT$'s directive to only purchase a modest,$1,500.00 four door family style's very plain and ordinary (geeky) I think it s**ks,I'm a 4X4 pickup man myself.But the Ivory tower say's only buy four door sedans to facilitate,'car groups' for the sacred door to door 'field service'.

    I'm making $50,000.00 a year and I drive a 's**t box'.because i am donating all my profits to the Watchtower $ociety.I am also at (age 29) still living with mom and dad, to economize on living expenses. I keep my nearly blind from birth mom,furnished with all the necessary appliances for sure.I even bought her a 25" color TV from K-mart.While the most popular( exemplary) family in the church has a wide screen TV.

    I bought with cash, for a pioneer, a better car than I have.I am giving Thousands of dollars to the Watchtower's world wide work,while my family and I lives modestly.

    For all my sincere earnest toil and goodness,I am loathed and ridiculed by my brothers and sisters at the Rockland Massachusetts congregation.

    Sneering at me behind my back.Yes,they tried to pin a 'kick me sign' on my back.Squeezed into their mold a dumb geek,"who is so dum,why he doesn't have the sense to be cool like us".

    This is the event that set me free.The god of these ass"wholes" is not the god i will serve.

    Watchtower 'Golden parachute Plan'for the 'faithful' aka 'geeks'

    My catchphrase for the WT$ leaders is."Charlie Manson without the look".

    Think about it,Millions defrauded of their assets! No retirement plan,no pension plan for all the faithful JW's who,"kept the day of Jehovah close in mind".

    Contented with their meager JW cottage industries like washing windows etc.

    Oh, and the biggie Premature deaths due to poor healhcare.Not caring for their chronic heath concerns like hypertension etc.That's mass murder!

    I already got a colostomy bag at age 38 for poor healthcare attributed to the 1975 default.I never got my teeth straightened as a child because God was gonna give me new choppers any day.

    Ray Franz,in,"In search of Christian freedom".touched on lifetime Circuit overseers put out to pasture without even a severence plan.

    Growing old in the Watchtower's," spiritual paradise " it really s**ks big time doesn't it.

    In the final analysis:Matt.6:1-4 "..those who are having their reward in full.."

    The Jehovah's Witnesses can grandstand to the ends of the Earth,and you will still.....


    The only variable here is; will you also die broken and unsaved?

    [Notice; All Jehovah's Witnesses who have died,are all Still Dead

  • cyber-sista

    Danny, my heart always goes out to you...Sad to say, but it is all so true...all so true... I have seen bits and pieces of your life in the lives of so many in the Org. What an evil empire that drains people dry and then leaves them old and poor and bleeding and broken. Glad you are here to spell this out loud and clear to anyone who is having doubts about the WT Org.--please find some comfort in knowing this...

    Thanks Danny,


  • core

    As the saying goes round these parts

    "where the money is there the Circuit Overseer will be found" -yes call for brothers to lead a "simple life" but stay at the best homes and holiday with the well off...

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Comparison of Watchtower 'fellowship' with worldly fellowships.The best support i have ever had,was from my fraternal labor union.Carpenter's local # 33 Boston Massachusetts This was the true'band of brothers',the brotherhood that provided for my family.It was also the worldly agency that enabled me to make the big bucks,that I in turn was able to donate to the WT$. Cupid The watchtower fairy follows the money trail and sprinkles the 'new light,fairy dust along the path. Cupid 2

    James 2:1-9

    Favoritism Forbidden: [ I confronted the body years ago in Florida reg;blatant favoritism and downright scorn for the poor,their reply;" well we have to be careful that 'white trash' doesn't bring the congregation down to it's level "]
    1 My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, [white trash]"You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? 5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?
    8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," [1] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin........

  • Corvin

    Are you asserting that the Society might be padding their numbers????

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