It's quite true that, for all their bashing of higher education and career success, there are pockets of affluence amongst JWs. And these are likely to grow as the passing of time transforms the WTBTS from a band of fervid radical ``theocratic warriors" to an institution with extensive assets, real estate, etc.
And not a few of the affluent class are former Bethelites. Besides the excellent work habits one learns there, they soon lose their ``new boy" idealism/naivete and get a first-hand view of how things REALLY are; not infrequently then, they opt to ``hedge their bets" once they leave, making up for lost time by pursuing personal acheivement and financial success.
The WTBTS is somewhat conflicted over this: much as the ``company line" is to put ``Kingdom interests" over personal/financial success, it's a class of JW the Society can exploit as a source of revenue and also for the perks they can often provide to visiting/vacationing bigwigs. So in a cynical quid pro quo, it courts the rich among them by granting status in the form of prominent positions, talks on assemblies, etc. in return for their contributions.
AS an example, there are several elders in a nearby congregation with all the accoutrements of affluence --- big homes in nice neighborhoods, manicured lawns, trophy wives, imported luxury automobiles, vacations to exotic places, lots of boy toys, etc. Any one of these would be thrilled to get a letter from the Branch assigning them to give a talk on ``Putting Kingdom Interests First" at an upcoming District Assembly; but selling off the old homestead and other goodies, and jetting off to a sub-Sahara African or Amazonian missionary assignment? That's for the other guy!
In this particular hall, there are nine elders, only two of which have dependent children, but only two of the congregation's nine book studies are in the house of an elder. Yet, the request to ``open up your homes for the privilege" is made with regularity, often unashamedly by one of these guys who never seems to think the advise applies to him.