What Proof Is there that Jehovah Selected them in 1918?

by VM44 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Bait and switch cult marketing ploy.Otherwise known as A.O.P.(Approved Operating Procedure)

    There is no proof,it's all 'fraud for God" Bible based cult 'bait and switch'.:http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/sagan.htm ------ Carl Sagan's Remarks About Jehovah's Witnesses False Prophecies. I did a search,Bait and switch has been around a long time:Ephraim Scepter #3 Open this result in new window
    ... This is the old Canaanite merchant game of "bait and switch", designed for simple-minded suckers ... from The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, volume H-L, page 456.) ...
    www.childrenofyahweh.com/Ephraim/ephraim_scepter_3.htm - 33k - Cached My personal favorite quote from Clint Eastwood's:Outlaw Josey Wales:""..don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining..""
  • ozziepost

    There's plenty of proof - it's all in "The Watchtower" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • avishai

    Hooberus, I love it!!!!

  • new light
    new light

    Hey, come on, da Isaier book said dat's when god chose 'em.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    I used to blindly accept this bs as well. They claim that they were selected based on:

    Rutherford & corporation officers were freed from prison

    Preaching work supposedly took off from there


    Really shallow reasons if you ask me. Nothing visible to prove that they were the chosen ones. They didn't adopt the whole JW thing until the 1930s, the preaching work really didn't kick into high gear until the late 40s/50s (credit Knorr's marketing for that), and Rutherford and the corporation officers first few activities after being released from prison were to interpret their poorly attended conventions in the early 1920s to being "seven trumpet blasts" from Revelation.

  • Triple A
    Triple A


    The above link is a Review of the 1919 Trial of Joseph Franklin Rutherford. It is a work in prgress, but excellent insight with as far as they have gotten.

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