Hi Blobby,
Why do you ex JW's still keep coming onto this web site (ok I know its interesting etc) and dipping your toes in? I'd of thought you'd want to forget everything !
Well it doesn't have a hold on me anymore, so I don't need to forget it. Forgetting doesn't really get to the bottom of it anyway, (often you don't really forget, you just stuff it in the back closet ) but I can understand why some people would think this. If nothing else, sometimes it just gets old - before I signed on with this name I had been on here, but it had been almost a year ago. Frankly I come here because there are some people who are more open minded than the general population out there, those who were never a JW or anything. I enjoy talking with people like that, and at the same time it can be helpful for people who are open but still have all that JW content. These are people who have had something of a wake up call and sometimes that goes beyond the JW experience, sometimes it's about life itself and I think that's a very rare thing. I'm always interested in being with people who want to really show up for life.
Nothing personal just asking a question !...is this going to be me in 3 years???
What I've found is that from the perspective of freedom, it doesn't really matter what you do. Even if you are still coming here in 3 years, that doesn't in itself determine whether you are stuck. If someone enjoys something they do you don't say they are stuck on it, they just like doing it. The question "is this going to be me" implies an unknown, and in not knowing that's already freedom, right there.