I welcomed you on your Bikers thread. Now you are asking more good questions. Good for you.
It is all about stages of recovery and willingness to support others. If you want to click on my, or anyone elses, name and select our "posting history" and you will see the evolution each of us have gone through since finding this site. We go through stages similar to the grief process of having lost a person we love, partly because WE have lost everything that was, at one time, important to us.
What is different about the stages of grief is we also have stages of discovery. We slowly find out we have ONLY LOST OUR PAST, but we have a bearable present and a wonderful future. Those who are going through this process keep coming for support. Those who have been through the process and still come here ussually are here only to support others through the journey. You asked:
Nothing personal just asking a question ! this going to be me in 3 years???
That is only determined by how fast you go through the process and whether or not you choose to stay and help others through it. What ever you decide, good for you. You will be a new person by then.