MONEY OR LOVE? what is it ladies? (for you Badger)

by Sassy 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    If I were happier with my own earning power, it would be no contest: Love, every time.

    As it is, though, I'd at least give a rich (wo)man a second glance....No, wait a minute. I would not marry/get next to a rich person that I didn't love.

    But, given two people I love equally, would the richer one win out?




    It would be a tie! Polyamory hurrah!


  • Xena

    I think anyone who says money doesn't enter the equation is either naive or has never done without. I wouldn't make it the basis of being with someone but I do take it into consideration. I don't need someone to be wealthy but I do look for someone who is stable and wants to work. I have no desire to support anyone, anymore than I expect to be supported.

    lol so rich men with playboy bunnies....maybe the question to men should be brains or boobs, eh?

  • Sassy

    you know I have had gf's that when I came back from a date, the first things they asked me was, did he pay?

    and if he didn't, their response was......LOSE HIM......

    or their questions were, What does he do for a living?

    and I would say, "I don't know, I didn't ask" (or even think to ask)

    and their response was........YOU BETTER ASK

  • AlanF

    Damn! Wish I were rich and could find a Playboy Bunny with boobs and brains. :-)

    (Ducking from wifey. But she wishes I was rich, too. )


  • AlanF

    What do you do for a living, Sassy?

    Do you pay?


  • Maverick

    I wonder if it is an evolutionary thing? Most women start out looking for love and the security they believe it holds out to them. After a while and lots of unhappy outcomes in relationships many women shift their priorities to wealth as security. I am sure there are those that because of terrible economic hardship go for the money right off but generally I think this happens slowly over time. A lot of women settle, in love and in what they are willing to take or tolerate from a man. Some may not think themselves worthy of a good man, if such a thing even exists, so they tell themselves at least with the money they can be happy on some level. With so many divorced and widowed ladies there are a lot more loser men who are more than willing to take advantage of them. It is not just a female problem. Lots of loser guys are willing to make her "mama"! Sad! As a man I look out for the professional daters and the gold diggers. If a man or women is paying attention they can spot these phonys early! Maverick

  • ball.

    I've come to learn that women say one thing but then go straight for another, and often it's looks, just like men go for.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    When your around my age it's all about looks. Maybe like 2% of "Oh he's a nice guy and he cares about my feelings" But that only goes for a cover... lol. All about looks when your a teenager. When you get into your 20s or so it's starts to get more into, if you have a future, looks, and personality. But shoot late 20s? What you have, what you have, and your personality. Not going to say money is everything but it is a BIG THING that can consider if your gonna have an ok relationship with the person. However, most people that work hard can support themselves to a degree. If you can support yourself then you got it made. It only starts getting dirty when you gotta support the lady also... and if you don't do it good enough. DIVORCE, get half of yo stuff. Gotta love, "love".

  • xLaurax

    Well... i have to say that love has obviously gotta be number 1. As the old saying can't buy you happiness but i believe that love can! Of course the first thing that you notice when u see some1 for the first time is attractiveness and then that builds up to be personality, lifestyle etc. Many people will say that money does not count but u can't deny that it is a bonus... an attractive bonus at that


  • Nosferatu

    Women want a MAN - plain and simple. If you want the definition of "man", then that'll take a while.

    Here is my take on Love vs Money. Money can buy temporary, or artificial love. Men are encouraged by society to spend money on a woman to impress them. When any relationship begins like this, it's doomed. Hell, I'd pretend to love someone if I get some free stuff out of it! The problem is, after a while it gets stale, and just about any other guy can come and attract the woman away from Rich Guy. Rich Guy cannot buy what he needs to emotionally satisy a woman. Only his personality can do that. When a man gives his woman emotional satisfaction, he'll have no problem keeping her away from Rich Guy.

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