MONEY OR LOVE? what is it ladies? (for you Badger)

by Sassy 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I've been with men with money but no love and broke ass mo-fos with love. As a woman there's no better feeling than knowing you're loved. Coming home every day to a small house with a man that loves you sure as hell beats coming home to a big house with a man that ignores you.

  • Insomniac

    When I first started to get to know honey-bunny, we never discussed our jobs in any detail. I assumed that, like most people in my area, he was working-class broke like me. Eventually, after I had fallen for the big sweetie, I found out that he makes a comfortable living- not wealthy, but well-off.

    His company pays its employees more or less, depending upon how willing they are to travel- at times in his life, he's been abroad for a couple of years at a stretch, with only an occasional weekend home to visit with family. This kind of work pays outlandish amounts of money. However, he chose to buy a house and settle down in a small Maine town, making only his base pay, just so he would always be close to me. Now, that's true love, people. No way I'd trade having him by my side for wads of money and being alone all the time.

    Now, if we won the lottery, and could have both love and money, that would be pretty nice, too.

  • stillajwexelder

    Sassy, you got shafted...

    MMM - I would like to shaft Sassy too -----------

  • maybesbabies

    Lets see here.......when I divorced my first husband, I gave him everything, left with the clothes on my back (literally), when I left my ex boyfriend, left with the clothes on my back and a greyhound ticket, new boyfriend I met while he was (still is) unemployed. None of them would fit the typical sterotype of "good looking", and none of them ever had high paying jobs. In fact, I tend to be the one who pays becuase I tend to be the one who makes more money. I think love wins out over money every time.

  • confusedjw

    The Sleepless one said:

    he chose to buy a house and settle down in a small Maine town, making only his base pay, just so he would always be close to me.

    Well this made me smile for you guys this afternoon - good for you both!

  • XQsThaiPoes

    This is a false argument almost. What percent of their relationship would they rather have be the largest romance or financial stability?

    The reason i did not say love is because love grows with familiarity. Think of parents that adopt children. These children are total strangers but then become loved as if they were your own. When people marry most are total strangers who they take the persons word on who they are. So if I were a woman knowing I would mostly make less than a man especially if i was not educated I would choose stability. If I want romance I'd read on of those trashy novels.

    Also there is a clear marks in economics where money does buy happiness. One is the transition from derelict property to working class. Ends meat is better then no meat. It is just how people work.

  • jgnat

    I married for love, not money.

    What kind of women are you guys chasing? Are you chasing the barbie ideal? Women with more surface than substance? Women like that require a lot of maintenance, and a man with a deep pocketbook.

    I say, if you keep being dumped by women who care only for surface things, take another look at the type of women you are salivating over.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'm glad I got a lot of experience in this realm. I've been married to both a poor man and a rich man, and they were both easy to love.

    First of all, I want to say that I am perfectly capable of making myself a nice living. I've been working since I was 9 years old, and I'm not adverse to it. I was raised a Witness, and didn't graduate high school, but that didn't stop me. I went to college, and am still going to college. I found out it's as easy to fall in love iwth a rich man as a poor man. I PREFER the rich man since it makes my life easier, who wouldn't? Get honest. If I found a poor man that I adored, I would have married him, too. When I met Rat, he was very poor. We both worked. Later in life, he has become one of the heads of his company, and our life since then has been good. I can stay home and take care of the house and his needs. That's okay. I don't mind it. However, if I was to work, I can handle that, too. If I could bring home $100,000 a year and have my man stay home with the kids, I'd do it. I'm used to being poor, and I'm used to being rich. It just matters if your life is happy. But I just want to say that it's as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man. And I honestly have to say that if I left the Rat man.. I'd look for another rich guy. Who wouldn't? That shouldn't be an insult or an affront to anyone.. it's just that we all look tomake our lives easier. That's natural and it's human.


  • shotgun

    In case your wondering Shotgun gets paid weekly..........very weakly!

    Go figure, I thought dancing at the nudie bar would pay better!

    You may not get married for money but the two top causes of Divorce are infidelity and financial problems...leaving Jeehoover must come in third.

  • Sunnygal41

    Never dated a guy who had money.............don't know what it's like at all. I choose love every time.


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