JW's are pro-Israel?

by PopeOfEruke 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    I believe JW's are pro-Israel, and therefore anti-Arab, based on my recollections as follows:

    (1) I remember hearing brothers comment on the professionalism of the Israeli army, and how in awe of the Israeli army they were.

    (2) after a plane crash when it was announced that the flight consisted of Muslim pilgrims on their to Mecca, I heard an Elder say "Good! That's another couple hundred pagans that Jehovah won't have to destroy at Armageddon".

    Can anyone else confirm/comment on my estimation that in general, JW's are pro-Israel?


  • AlanF

    So far as I can see, the JW organization isn't particularly pro or anti anything in this world, except itself. But it is pro whatever happens to give itself an advantage for the moment, and anti whatever whatever happens to be disadvantageous at the moment. In short, a religious whore.


  • PopeOfEruke


    thats true! I think however there is also quite a strong "racist" element in JW mentality/society. I have heard brothers saying that it didn't really matter that the white man killed thousands of Aborigines in Australia because they are "pagans" anyway. "Either they get killed now or they get destroyed at Armageddon so what's the difference?"

    And I even recall that certain congregations in Queensland were counselled about the racism being showed against the brothers from New Zealand. A LOT of JW's in Brisbane really hated the Kiwis coming over and taking the jobs etc etc. Same old racist arguments as everyone else in the "world". And it wasn't just rank and file, many elders and MS's were involved in the racial slurs and comments.

    So maybe the Israel/Arab distinction I felt was more a racist thing ......


  • avishai

    Well, it's funny, the dubs use the fact that they have been "persecuted" as proof that they are God's chosen people. I think the Jews have a better corner on that market.

  • avishai

    Actually, I think as a rule the WTS is anti-semitic. Look at some of the publications, Jesus' and the disciples always look anglo-saxon. The Pharisees and saducees always look "Jewish" curly hair, hook noses, the whole nazi "dirty jew" look. Now, some folks of Jewish descent look like that, including me, well, I have straight hair, but i definitely got the nose. There ARE lots of blond, blue eyed, button nosed jews. But it's that the disciples always look one way, and the other jews in the books look the other way. But these guys were cousins, brothers, etc. From the identical gene pool. If you can find any examples, please post them, I don't have any of my literature anymore.

  • Narkissos

    About "neutrality" (slightly off-topic)...

    In France, over a very long period of right-wing government (back in the 60's and 70's), "apolitism" was actually right-wing opinion. Disagreeing with the government was a "political" stance, supporting it was not.

    I happened to be in the French Bethel when François Mitterrand became President in May 1981 (first left-wing politician to get there in decades); the gloomy faces and comments of the Branch Office Committee clearly showed how "neutral" they were. Quite funny indeed.

    JWs as well as most fundies tend to agree with the far right wing on many "society" questions (abortion, homosexuality... or security). Yet unlike most fundies they often find themselves with the far left on military issues...

    About international politics, I don't remember a very clear position on the Near East issues. As a result of Rutherford's clearing away Israel from his "prophetical" scope they seem to be far less pro-Israel than other fundies.

    The WT teaching against racism, nationalism and militarism was certainly what most attracted me to it, even when I had serious doubts... But as Pope said, the local reality could be very different. I remember being quite shocked when I discussed with a South-African "brother" at some "international convention": when speaking of his own country (still under Apartheid) he expressed a lot of racist stereotypes such as "the Black cannot organize themselves, make things work and so on..."

  • plmkrzy

    pro- Symbolic -Israel

  • ball.

    I've seen racism first hand in the organisation. Comments like, don't mind foreigners as long as they work and don't claim benefit, which to me is still a racist comment as it should equally apply whether you are are a foreigner or not.

    Narkissos, theres a lot happening in France on the cult / religious liberties and charity status - whats your take on this?

  • PopeOfEruke
  • badboy

    i UNDERSTAND that once someone said`he may be a n*****,but he sure can talk'

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