tests, tests, and more tests....

by Country Girl 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I went to the doctor today. I have had a cough, stuffed up nose, sore throat, headaches, and sore body. I thought it was just the flu. Three weeks ago, this began. I dosed myself with home remedies: Vit. C, Garlic, Echinacea, etc. It finally went away last Tuesday. When I went to Dallas, I was completely okay and cured. In Dallas, I stayed up real late, smoked lots of cigarettes, and yakked myself to death. I thought I would die on the way home from pain in my throat. The doctor mentioned this today. I have also had a bad pain that went from my mid back around to the front of my body. Some people said they thought it could be shingles. The doc said no because there was no rash.

    So she says I have allergies that are causing all this and I have to shut up my mouth for a few weeks. She also said that I have "old lungs." I asked her about this and she said that my smoking has made my lungs sound like an 80 year old person's lungs. Lovely. She also filled out tickets for me to get a pap smear, which I haven't had in 18 years, a mammogram, a lung x-ray, and a heart thing. I got the heart test today, and it's normal. I also have to get a fasting blood test to check for diabetes.

    I am scared beyong belief. She told me NOT to be scared, that she believes in preventative medicine and wants to make sure I am in good health. Hell.. I walked 4 miles last month with my family on a hike. Isn't that evidence of good health? I don't think I can handle too much more bad news about my health.. I just don't think I can. I'm overweight, of course. She said I was't grossly overweight.. but losing 40 lbs would be nice. She was more concerned about my lungs. I just must be out of my mind.. but I am *not* going to do the lung x-ray cause I'm so scared. I'll do the blood test, and the mammogram.. but the lung thing I'm really scared of. I know this is silly.. but I can't get beyond it. She asked why.. I said because they might see something. I'm scared they'll see something.. I can't get beyond this fear...

    country girl

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    aw dont worry about it...everything will be fine. It just sounds like your doctor likes to be thorough.

  • talesin

    Remember the body has remarkable recuperative abilities. Try reading some Chopra. He's an endocrinologist, and has interesting thoughts on how we renew ourselves. It sounds like your MD is trying to scare you, which comes from a valid concern, I guess, but heck, she has only succeeded in making you panic.

    >>>>>Breathe in ... breathe out<<<<< Repeat.

    Can I just say,

    ---------> Don't will the illness to come to you!

    Focus on good health, a wakeup, cut down smoking as much as you can, carry on improving all the time. That's all we can ask of ourselves, especially at difficult times. Use positive imagery and thoughts. See the world through the eyes of a child (note, read Emerson). As Yoda said, "do or do not, there is no try".

    I tell myself these things every day, sometimes I wonder if there is anybody home. heheh


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Feel the fear, and do it anyway.

    Take the tests; get the xray.

    Knowing is better than not knowing.

    For your own sake, stop smoking.

  • orangefatcat

    I concur, your doctor is being totally thorough. You need to be good to your self CG. I think you need time for your body to heal itself. Your doing the right things like taking Vitmans and lots of OJ is good to. I am a person who suffers from COD. I seem to get sick with my lungs at least three times a year. I do smoke to, but very moderately.

    Some Zinc is good for the sore throat. And yes X rays and tests and a mammagram and pap smears are essential to womens general well being. Annual check ups are very important as you never can tell. Cancer is so prevalent we need to be extra careful with our bodies. I am all for check ups.

    I have several wonderful doctors aside from my general practioner. I will be seeing a repirologist on June 24, as also I have sleep apnea. I have to have a CPAP machine to keep me with the COD.

    Anyway dear Country Girl, do take care of yourself and I will be thinking of you and I am sending you so positive wave lengths.

    ((((((((((((((((Hugs and Kisses))))))))))))



  • Emma

    It sounds like your doctor is just ordering routine tests that are a bit overdue. I tend to do the "head in the sand" routine, too, but it really is better knowing. Gives you a starting point. Hugs to you!



    Hey CG.

    Time to take better care of yourself. Doc was right: giving you the low down, and some warnings, basically because she doesn't want to see you in worse shape as a result of lifestyle, and those nasty ciggies. Sis...give those wee buggers up.

    I watched an on-line video of a Canadian woman's struggle with her own battle with terminal cancer as a result of smoking. Some of the Canucks on here probably know of her: Barb Tarbox. She went around visiting schools in Alberta, encouraging kids/teens to NOT SMOKE.

    I know you went on that 4 mile hike with the family; no ciggies, you'd do 40 miles.

    Don't get yourself worked up too much about the tests. I went through that last year. I was a bit upset, but realized, if something has already taken place, it's there and I have to either live with it, or battle it, thus ammend my present lifestyle and become more active and eat healthier foods.

    You and I, we love our , but in moderation, it's not too bad....but the lungs my dear. Look after those. They're what keep you alive, and if you have better oxygen capacity in your lungs, it'll make heaps of difference, and have you jogging between Bastrop and Austin....yeah, with Henley in-tow, or maybe chasing you...who knows...LOL.

    Glad you went for the tests, and/or about to undergo a few more. Always a good idea. Now that I am in my early 40s, my doctor monitors me much more closely than before. Good thing, if there's some sort of anomoly or oddity, we can nip it in the bud.

    I'm sure the results of the tests will give you an overall window to your present health status. If doctor gives you the third degree, remember, they mean well, and it's for your own good.

    Take care sis.

    Big hugs,

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Thank you sweethearts, for the positive affirmations and the prayers. I *think* I am going to do the most of the tests, as far as the lung test.. I dunno. I still have to think about that. Life is so good right now, I don't want to interrupt that. I guess my body knows that somethign is wrong with my lungs.

    I am going to try to quit smoking next week. The doctor said that she didn't want me to quit smoking without help from medicine, since I have a high level of anxiety. She said, though, that if I was bound and determined to quit smoking that she'd give me medicine to make up for it, and help me. I really felt good about this person. I liked her alot, and I hope to really quit smokin in the next month or so. It will be a big loss. I LOVE smoking... it's helped me through a lot of bad times. I like the physical act of lighting up and exhaling smoke. I love it. I will miss it alot.. but I won't miss couging all the time and smelling bad and being forced to do my thing outside of where everyone else is. Sigh.. it will be really hard to say goodbye to this h abit... but I have to. It's killing me...


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I thank you so much for helping me. I LOVE smoking, and I don't know that I could ever give it up. If I *did* give it up, it would be for epeople that love me. It makes me so upset that I wrote this and I didn't mean for you to see it. I thought you weren't monitoring this board any more... I woudn't have wrote this if I knew you would see this. You are my friend, but I don't want you to be hurt.



    Here is an interesting and incredible story of a woman who, while alive, admonished children/teens to NOT SMOKE.

    Here is her webpage, and links to her video clips:


    She has since passed away from lung cancer as a result of smoking.

    (((Athene))) - you can do it.

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