i was there from that buildings opening in the 70's
Same here Zev. I was baptized there in the 70's.
by exjdub 38 Replies latest jw friends
i was there from that buildings opening in the 70's
Same here Zev. I was baptized there in the 70's.
me too. 1976.
i wonder if we were ever in the same haull halls?
pawtucket, ri | taunton, mass | fall river north, mass | fall river south mass
I had a part on the service meeting. I made a comment, that some took exception too. It had to do with paradise. The elders took me in the office and "beat" me up over it. I told them that this is what the Society teaches, they disagreed. I shared with them the article. Apparently it was an article that had just arrived in the mail.The official rule, I am told, is, changes only become official when the article is studied in the meetings .... lol
Are you serious?!?!?!
I got brought into the library for dating a girl when I was 18; we were talking about marriage. I was told that if I discontinued the relationship, no action would be taken against me. Not that there was anything for them to go after anyways.
i wonder if we were ever in the samehaullhalls?pawtucket, ri | taunton, mass | fall river north, mass | fall river south mass
I was always in either a NH circuit or Southern Mass. circuit depending on how they changed the splits. We did have one of your boys for a CO though ...Robert Nardolillo...do you know him? He and I did not get along too well.
were you in nashua? i visited there a couple of times.
i remember him, but i always had an equal hate for all c.o.'s, so to me there was only one, and they all sucked.
Yes. I was called on the carpet once.
This was back when I was fairly enamored with the Witnesses and attended regularly with my wife.
The reason: I came to the aid of a police officer. (Hell, in this neck of the woods, it's illegal not to.) This involved a threat of deadly force -- a big no-no for Witnesses and "interested ones" alike apparently.
Well were you Leolaia? Hmmmmm? Tell the truth now.
Naw, the way they phrased the question...I was able to answer in the negative without lying. My purpose wasn't to discredit the Society. My purpose was to find out the truth. I did not have a preconceived agenda to "discredit" or disprove them. I wanted to find out the truth. Now, if the result of my research was discovering that they were bullcrap, that's merely what I discovered through my research.
Now funny thing was that I had my research paper on the cross right there with me, where I show how the Society has wrote misleading/dishonest things on the subject. I could've showed them my research, but I didn't have the guts to do it.
Now, how they'd heard I was doing that research, I have no clue. I kept it rather private. My only guess is that they figured I was going to the university and had access to "apostate" literature + I had previously showed a lot of interest in the Society's old publications and material. I had been through my high school years the biggest user of the Kingdom Hall library. And I went to an elderly elder's house a few times to use his '50s and '60s Watchtowers and talk to him about our mutual research interests. So maybe they just put two and two together, plus that I was "spiritually weak" and rarely went to meetings, never commented, never went out door to door anymore, etc.
Leo: A true Christian would have put pants on those cave drawings.
hehehe, but I tell you really honestly, I was so naive about sexual matters, I really didn't think of them as naughty or could be looked at any differently than as a historical document. I prized that image as an accurate depiction of pre-Flood conditions. Who knows, I may have even imagined it depicting angels consorting with the women and witnessing the origin of the Nephilim.....