.....I feel less like an X-JW and more like an average person.
Finish this sentence "The longer I'm away from JW's......"
by doodle-v 58 Replies latest jw friends
The longer I am away from the JW's....the more I appreciate salvation by grace and not the organization.
the more outspoken I become, and the less I tolerate being told what to do.
...the more it just totally pisses me off how utterly deluded I was;
...and how glad I am to finally have (and re-find) real friends, who tell me straight-up like it is, and who simply accept me for what I am, instead of what they want me to be.
the more I can experience freedom to do my own thinking.
...the more I realize they are a destructive cult...
the older i get.
...the less my wardrobe looks like the clearance rack in a second-rate thrift store...
lol Odrade!!!
The less guilt i feel for every little thought or desire i have. Which by the way are normal desires and thoughts. The guilt i felt as a JW was oppresive. I am so relieved now and feel like such a weight has been lifted from me!! It has taken years though to work through the feelings of guilt though and may never forget those feelings of trying so hard but never feeling good enough. Am i alone in this?