I motherproof my house...........

by desib77 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Since my parents refused to set foot in my home, I had no need, plus my wife is suzzy sanitary and nothing offensive would stand a chance! Then of course, my being DF'd made it no big mystery about my worldly status... Pitty those of you that are still in such straights.. carmel

  • talesin
    Pitty those of you that are still in such straights..

    Don't want/need your pity. I have my parents, and in exchange for what? A cursory check to see what's lying around my house once every few months. No biggie!

    WT = 0

    talesin = 1

    hahahah, I win, the WT loses!

  • Badger

    I suppose I would for dad or stepmom, but I don't have much really offending material around (although they may not dig my left-wing books or my copy of Grand Theft Auto)...

    ...Then again, hardly an issue. They've never come down.

    Count your blessings I guess.

  • HeyNow!

    Let's see, I have been away from the family for a few years. I am returning back to the area. I plan to hide Ouija Board, Porno's, my new NON-JW wife, X-mas,my CD's(then again, I always hid music from dad!), "Apostate Books", tattoos, earing, rated R movies and my ever increasing materialistic hunger for money..Hmm, Maybe not!

  • desib77

    Well, I made it through the Sat. with my mother.....and wasn't she sweet leaving me a new set of magazines???? How thoughtful!!!!! and I bet she will call me tonight to see if I've taken a look at them.....guess I shouldn't lie...I looked at them while I threw them away....

    Oh, and this is funny....my husband was driving when she was talking about this and he was holding in laughter....

    She saw a "Go Topless" ad for a convertable....it was a billboard....she took offense to it. She saw it right outside of our water park and thought maybe they were topless in there.... When my husband explained that there were billboards advertising cars that could be "topless" she asked him it he was aware of what it REALLY meant.......(no mom....he has no clue what they are referring to...)

    What a visit!

  • lazyslob

    And still it beats shunning. Right? It´s funny but when they´re around you they drive you mad, when they´re not you sometimes even like them.

  • simplesally

    I got a bosom cooler .... it's like a shot glass, but longer and you put it between your breasts and fill it with ice chips. It's a great way to keep cool when you are walking around outside in the heat. It also doubles as a shot glass, well, maybe a triple shot. Anyway, mine has a decorative tip at the bottom end of it........ its shaped like a penis head! LOL. I think I will hide that from my mom when she visits.

  • Nosferatu

    I remember I had to do that when I was still in the troof. I'd have some brothers over, and I'd have to hide all my rap and heavy metal CDs. I remember driving a brother to the hall, and he was questioning the Boston cassette in my car, because it had a song titled "smokin'"

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