A Question For Those of You With Cats

by copsec 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • copsec

    I dont know about chocolate. I know it is supposedly deadly for dogs.

    Glitter, I have one cat who was a stray who gets ill quite alot. I give her hairbal meds but she still gets ill. Not a pleasant thing to stumble across!

  • talesin

    Kitty used to vomit sometimes for attention! Oh yes, if she felt her slaves were not paying proper dues to their feline mistress, she would leave us a special surprise. They could be needy, and probably still traumatized. Takes a long time, if ever, for them to fully recover (just like people).

    Neither one of my cats would eat cheese, either, SS. I'm curious, why do you not give your cat raw pork? I would like to know if it's for 'health' reasons, for the benefit of my future feline companions.

    t (meow!!)

  • Satanus


    It's because my cat is jewish, haha. I know there isn't much danger anymore, but it's because of the possibility of catching trichinosis.


  • talesin

    Ah, SS, a Kosher Kitty. Now I understand.

  • jgnat

    My associate pastor turned his parent's cat's tastes to Alpo dog food. He had agreed to watch their cat while they went away on a three week holiday. They left very specific instructions on the feeding of their beloved kitty. I am talking braised liver on Monday, poached fish on Friday, etc. etc.

    On Monday, Dave opened a big can of Alpo dog food, and dished a little in kitty's dish. Cat turned his nose up and walked away.
    Ditto for Tuesday.
    Wednesday, kitty gobbled the Alpo down.
    By the time Dave's parents got back, the cat loved Alpo and would eat nothing else.

    Daves parents were seriously ticked with him! You'd think they would be grateful to be off that cat's leash.

  • glitter

    Minnie (sicky cat) *is* extremely traumatised. We got her because the week before Christmas 2001 she was crying on our windowsill for a week - we didn't let her in right away in case she belonged to someone. she was scared then and is only slightly better now. God knows what her previous owners did to her or what happened as a stray.

    She's afraid of everything. She's *very* attached to me but will sometimes cry out in fear if I touch her. She sleeps *in* my bed and literally *clings* to my arm all night. The only problem with this is that despite having a litter box she sometimes gets out from under the covers, walks to the bottom of the bed *does a wee* then gets back in bed again. And I don't realise until my feet get wet!

  • Satanus


    To cure the cat's bedwetting, maybe try putting a fresh litterbox beside your bed. You could draw her attention to it, just before bedtime, by digging a bit in it w your fingers. If it works, then you could move it a little bit further away, after a few days. Gradually keep moving it to the main litterbox.

    Also, the poor sick kitty might have parasites. Not sure, but vets might be able to tell if you bring them the appropriate samples, without having to actually take the poor kitty to the vet.


  • talesin

    jgnat, ROFL I don't eat that well myself!!!


    Oh, the poor little thing!

    Is she peeing a LOT? It can be a sign of kidney disease, especially if she is old. (been there) They don't appear to be in pain or anything, just lots of peeing and maybe a bit off their feed.

    Good suggestion with the litterbox, SS. I just wanted to mention the kidney thing (just in case).


  • onacruse

    A stray cat showed up at our patio door last year...miserable little critter.

    We adopted him, and now he follows me around, like a little puppy.

    We named him "Farkel."

    And yes, Doug knows this.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG Talk about neurotic cats. I have two of them. And they love fruit. One likes bananas when they are still a bit green. I have to hold it for him so he can chew away on it. He also loves grapes - peeled. He will eat strawberries but don't slice open a melon. They like canteloup but will go nuts if it is a honeydew. One will climb onto the back of my chair and then onto my shoulder. He would take it out of my mouth if I let him.

    The other cat - the Maine Coon just likes food. He eats almost everything he isn't supposed to eat. You would think he would be overweight with all the food he wants to ingest. One of his favorites is babecues chips but he likes other flavors as well as Fritos corn chips, pretzels and crackers. We have to make sure not to leave anything out on the counter. He eats through most plastic wrap to get what is inside.

    And we have to make sure the cupboards are securely closed. The other day I forgot to close the door properly and heard some banging around in the kitchen. When I went to look he had been up in the cupboard after climbing on the counter and the microwave. He had knocked down some cans so he could get at the container of catnip (two shelves up) that was at the back of the cupboard and had the container on the floor and was trying to open it with his teeth and paws.

    Shucking corn around here is always accompanied by a chorus of cats wailing for some. They prefer it raw but also want more after it is cooked. Neither likes shrimp or seafood so at least I get left alone when I am indulging

    Oh and they both like to drink beer or wine.

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