The 2 JW convension-halls in the Netherlands have now a bank/credit-card accespoint to give contribution to the WTS with your bank or creditcards. Do you know this happens in other country's? It is really strange to see that brs&srs are giving donations with their visa & mastercards. I remember a Watchtower article condemning other religions using these creditcard methods to receive money 2 years ago in "insight in the news". What do you think of the ethics concerning using creditcards in a place of worship??
bank/credit-card accespoint in JW-convensionhall
by Ozner 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Hmmm I don't know how it works in your country, but in America all transactions cost money and they have to pay Visa or Mastercard a small fee for the privelege of being able to use a credit card. They do this at stores too, every time you use your credit card it costs the store a certain amount of money because the credit card companies charge for access. It seems to me that the WBTS would be all up in arms about allowing anyone to get a cut of their profits, even if it's only 1/10 of a penny per transaction (or whatever it works out to I am no good at math).
Of course there will be some costs, but this week I saw these new method working in our convention hall. The rules of using the creditcard acceptpoint were told during the announcements!! You would not believe it but it is really true!! About the costs: I think the persons present will donate more with the credidt card instead of paper money. Can you imagine: the temple of Jerusalem with a credit card machine??
Hey, a new Dutchie !!! welcome to the forum.
The WTBS is using all possibilities to gain money, but I agree, it sounds very strange here.
Which hall did you visit Swifterband or Bennekom ?
regards and welcome again
I visited Swifterband this week. I agree, it's very strange to see these things going on in a place of worship. I'm a JW my whole life, but the last years it's going more and more strange... Where are the ethics? Should it be regional decision or does it work in other country's too?
How ironic .. they claim not to ask for money, yet they never minded telling us how expensive everything was, how our gratitude should also be shown in hard cash... I remember the articles about how you could benifit the watchtower in your will, and how you can tranfer money each month ... Ugh, it is a bit digusting *no, we never ask for money, but we damn sure will let you know how much we want it* creditcard payments is just another way. Gotta hand it to them tho, it is a brilliant way to get more money out of the rank and file witnesses.....
I wonder how the WT will see this in light of creditcard-debts, as i am sure they have an article about that too, somewhere ...
Welkom op het forum Ozner, er zijn vele antwoorden hier te vinden (meaning for all you ppl who didn't understand that: welcome on the board, there are many answers to be found here).
Blue bubblegum Girl
Hey Ozner.
Another Dutchie. Wow. It's gonna be swarming with Dutchies on this board,
so you all better watch out. lol.Thanks for posting this. I didn't know.
I talked to the bank a few weeks ago about getting a machine so I can accept credit-cards.
They got into it and told me the machine itself costs around 500 euro's
And the monthly costs are around 250 euro's plus I would have to pay a percentage
of every transaction. The cost will go down in the future the more people here
in Holland will start using credit-cards.
At this moment though a machine like that is too much for my business.
I guess the WT is expecting many donations this way.
All they have to do is hold a few speeches at the Halls and the poor brothers and sisters
will obey.BTW. Where abouts in the Netherlands are you located. Me, I'm in Emmen
Glad to have you aboard..........Andy.
they claim not to ask for money
Did you ever see this? It's published by the WBTS in English and Spanish but AFAIK it's not generally available.
stephoness, as you could read in Andy's message, it cost here too.
A lot of shops therefore decided to "not to use creditcards" or limited the use to higher amounts or excluded sales.....
I wonder how long it will be before WTS puts this on their website and CD-ROM: