How exciting, we are acquainted to each other! I do not have the slightest idea who I am mailing to. So feel free to expose your selves.
I'm sorry to hear you and your family are so much upset about these creditcard acces-points in conventionhalls. You wrote it's a step too far for your relatives (and for you?). This means other steps were upsetting, but they were not as shocking as this one? Am I right?
What my opinion is about these paying-points? It fits in the commercial attitude the WTBTS-organisation is developing. If I try to follow this kind of thinking the pay-automats seem not odd to me. The costs of changing large amounts of small copures / coins at the bank must be very high, and as for as I know, they have risen by introducing the Euro in our country. Furthermore the safety-regulations of the Dutch government are very strict. Boxes with a large amount of money in it include by themselves a certain risk. So introducing the automats can be a ordinairy weighing of costs and benefits. Giving regulations how to use the automats (do not donate 1700 but 17.00, or things like that) is in a very WTBTS-like approach: 'nothing may been leave to change - everything must been regulated'.
However I can understand it must be somewhat disturbing for loyal witnesses to see in their own circules the things they condemn in other churches. It could help if Jehovah Witnesses begin to accept they are, at least in organisational matters and maybe more, a church like every other churches. Maybe this attitude makes novellities like creditcard acces-point easylier to accept. An altered standpoint in the world of churches makes it for the Jehovah's Witnesse also possible to learn from mistakes in their own past.
David Post