My first time "storming" out!!

by lookingnow22 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • lookingnow22

    I "stormed" out of a meeting for the first time in my life tonight. Well, I really just walked really fast, but inside myself I was storming. Anybody catch some of the insolent comments made in the 6/01KM? The article is titled "Can You Make Yourself Available?"
    Here are a couple of the points that made me react the way that I did.

    par. 7 - One young brother recalls: "I remember thinking to myself, 'How nice it will be to get to the new world and tell the faithful men of old that I served my years at Bethel, not outside making money.'"

    OH F**K YOU!!!! I say this so bitterly because of what has personally happened to me and my wife the last year. This is the most insensitive thing that I have ever read! They are implying that everyone making a living outside of Bethel has nothing to be proud of.

    par. 15 - ...Additionally, some brothers and sisters who may be a little older than 35 and who have specialized skills and training that could be used at Bethel are encouraged to apply. For example, these include dentists, doctors, certified public accountants, architects, engineers, registered nurses, automobile mechanics, or electronic technicians, to mention but a few. However, we do not encourage individuals to obtain specialized education or training with the thought that this will improve their chances of being called to Bethel. Those who have already received specialized training, perhaps before coming into the truth, may wish to write out a detailed resume and attach it to the Bethel application.

    Oh man, there are a lot more things in this article that really get to me. This is such brainwashing BS! How can they honestly encourage young ones to have attitudes like these still?

    Anyway, I'm just venting again. I really do appreciate this place.


  • Outaservice


    You forgot what they are looking for most, LAWYERS! They're going to need a lot of them in the future, even more than Pioneers!

    Outaservice (Ring, Ring. Hello, Kingdom Hall, who in the hall do you want? Fred Hall? Sorry, he is not here, he's making a name for himself on the Internet, please call later. Bye.)

  • Marilyn

    That's just shocking. Did they include a paragraph about all the other dead heads that are no use to Bethel? Something like "it's ok for the rest of you riff-raff - you can continue living from hand to mouth in your trival, unskilled occupations, since you got the truth prior to getting an education. You are not completely useless to us though - cause you will sell the books the educated class work so hard (for nothing) to produce."


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Time to leave, bro. It's getting to you. That's how me and my wife felt near the end.

  • AuSet

    What I really, really love to do is walk out very very slowly, so slowly it makes the attendants get jumpy, and try to make direct eye contact with the speaker/conductor! This really works well when one is sitting up in the very front.
    Any behavior out of the bounds of normal makes the JWs nervous. I get immense gratification out of these small pleasures.

  • FreePeace
    par. 15 - ...Additionally, some brothers and sisters who may be a little older than 35 and who have specialized skills and training that could be used at Bethel are encouraged to apply. For example, these include dentists, doctors, certified public accountants, architects, engineers, registered nurses, automobile mechanics, or electronic technicians, to mention but a few. However, we do not encourage individuals to obtain specialized education or training with the thought that this will improve their chances of being called to Bethel. Those who have already received specialized training, perhaps before coming into the truth, may wish to write out a detailed resume and attach it to the Bethel application.

    JESUS H. CHRIST!!! I wonder where the WTS will find people with a COLLEGE education? What pure, unadulterated, bullshit, hypocrisy!

    I, like many others, have strong resentment toward the WTS for screwing me out of a college education at the time I should have gotten it.

    You assholes in Brooklyn can kiss my Royal American, lilly-white, non-JW ASS!

    Shame on you for all you've done.


  • Maximus

    Lookingnow22, take a gander at the thread Position on College Changed? which I've taken the liberty of moving up. My blood boiled too when I saw this 6/1 km.

    What do you think of the service meeting for July 2?

    Many may feel like storming out!


  • Bendrr

    I notice that the article includes a "call" for mechanics. First of all, we prefer to be called technicians. Or "techs" for short.
    I guess since Bobby Grimsley left wt farms, they probably do need techs desparately. (Bobby was my mentor in the art of the wrench)
    Since I'm one of the dwindling few who can do some good exhaust work, I'd bet ten dollars to a donut that they don't have anyone who can bend pipe worth a damn. That means all those bethelites will have to put the catalytic converters back on their cars now since no one can run the eliminators!

    Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed,

  • Maximus

    Sheeshh, FreePeace.

    Why don't you tell us what you really think, old friend?

    Fond memories ...

    Check out the Position on College thread if you haven't seen it.

  • DB

    Well, the proof is in the pudding, or so they say. What I mean is, how many young people are actually taking full-time service seriously? How many are really considering Bethel service? Not many, at least from my area. Over the past ten years, our congregation has had no Bethel applicants, and about two young people entering the full-time pioneer ranks. Most young people who graduate high school are now finding full-time jobs and/or going to college. So all the parts from the platform, all the KM and WT articles, and all the Convetion/Assembly parts do not seem to be really taken seriously by the majority of Witnesses when this subject matter comes up for consideration. We all sit through these parts, even comment on them, and then, lo and behold, our young people (and their parents, who have heard all this stuff before, and most of whom never went out and got a decent education) just figure the heck with it. And it's easy to see why.

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