Just randomly underline study WT or book?

by Max Divergent 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    Frequently. I'd spend perhaps 10 minutes underlining the answers. You could do it without reading the questions.

    One time, I hadn't studied and during the talk the PO asked if I could read the Watchtower as the assigned reader was absent. Even though I could read it as good as anyone else without pre-reading it I declined based on the fact my W. wasn't marked in ink. For my sin of not studying I was deleted (never officially told, but my name disappeared from the list) from the Watchtower reader list for nearly 2 years. I got the reader job back when they made me into an elder.


  • Cicatrix

    Boy! I was really naive when I was a JW! I didn't ever think to randomly underline, although I was occasionally "guilty" of doing the speed read and underline thing.Mine was usually actually studied. I underlined in pen ( I hate highlighters) and even looked up the scriptures and noted them in the margin. If I forgot the WT, or couldn't find mine, I'd just sit there and listen intently until someone gave me an extra one.

    I also didn't fudge on my hours. All those years I was considered "weak" because I got in less than ten hours a month, and I never "padded" my hours in self defense, because I was so stubbornly honest (a weakness in itself, really).

    I was such an honest little sheep-baaaabaaa. Pretty dumb, too, a trait that I learned when we actually owned sheep, is common to sheep.;)

  • willyloman
    there is a lot of pressure and judgement within the congregations. The fact that many of us were doing this shows that the pressure is there and exists.

    And it's for precisely this reason that many people underlined at random, just to "look" like they had studied.

    Blondie says elders and m.s.'s would check to see who had studied, and she is not kidding. At one hall we went to, elders were assigned to handle mic's during the WT study so they could roam the aisles and see who had studied and who hadn't. How could you tell? Underlined passages = study. Blank pages = loser.

  • fraidycat9

    Ain't no such thing as "randomly underlining". No matter what you underline, you got it right because the question at the bottom is answered somewhere in the paragraph. My child, who couldn't read was able to underline the right answers. Gave him a box of crayolas and he "went to town" using different colors "pretending" to study his lesson. Upon closer inspection, I realized that most of his underlinings were the correct answers to the questions below. No way he could miss.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Oh, yes... we have some shared memories all right!!! I'm just so glad to be out of that world and it's pettiness and bullying and carry on. But it seemed real at the time, and we must have gotten somthing out of it I guess...

    It wasn't till near the end I started getting brazen with little tricks to cover-up, but I wonder if I'd started doing that earlier if I'd have lasted longer? I doubt it.

    Warm fuzzies, Max

  • onintwo

    God! Why did you guys have to dredge this stuff all up? (lol) Brings back some real memories, I'll tell you. I never did understand why you had to study for the Study. Most of the WT stuff is (was) so simplistic and repetitive, that you needn't study anyway.

    What's next, preparing for the Public Talk from printed Outline? Crazy J-dubs....forever studying and never learning.

    And the whole judging thing. Who pre-studied, who didn't. Man, I'm glad I'm clear of that stuff!


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    Most of the WT stuff is (was) so simplistic and repetitive, that you needn't study anyway.

    I thought that the entire time I was a JW...until I met my ex's study, Mary Ann [pretty, sweet, dumber than a stone].

    we would go through a book with things like

    The name of God is Jehovah....blah blah blah...

    what is the name of God?

    she would be dumbfounded....I could not believe people could be that dim, but they are really out there....and I understand why the shepherds call them sheep and do not mind fleecing them....baaaaaaaaaa

  • ozziepost

    Well, I mostly underlined it to actually prepare to explain it, so I underlined, sometimes using a highlighter, but I used many extra lines to connect thoughts.

    Despite this, I recall one "Tower" I had to read over and over again and I still didn't get it! My problem was that i couldn't explain it and it troubled me. It was the one about the change in teaching on the "generation". Remember that one?? I couldn't figure it out and I was so glad that someone else was the Watchtower Study Conductor that day. Mind you, when he'd finished with it, I was still confused!!! It was later that i realised why.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    The key to studying for the meeting, was to match up key words in the question with thsoe in the paragraph, and then underline a few sentences. very easy. I did this alot of times cuz I couldn't stand to read one more word of that pitiful magazine, although I didn't mind reading the awake! magazine since it wasn't so religious and had some interesting material in it from time to time. This hit a key with me. I'd read the awake! articles until it came to the religious stuff and then I'd skip it. Of course, this is from a person who'd read labels on toilet cleaner products in people's bathrooms just for something to READ. I was a voracious reader.


  • ozziepost
    read labels on toilet cleaner products in people's bathrooms just for something to READ

    good grief!!!! you're spending too long in the tut!!

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