The Truth About Marijuana

by Obviously Secret 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Ya hemp isn't the exact same as marijuana that you usually smoke and everything but they are very close alike. I mean why is hemp cloths illegal? People gonna start smoking their cloths if it became illegal? No. It's all about money. Yet people will die for keeping it illegal. Makes me sick. All for money, if they really cared about our health they would make it legal and get it out of the freakin criminals hands and stop the gang violence.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Lets remember once crucial fact: Both the Government and the Drug Cartels want drugs to stay illegal. That alone should tell you there is something wrong with current policy.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma
    Did you know that, if you are busted for marijuana, even an amiount as small as a joint, you are automatically banned from getting any kind of financial aid for college?

    This must have been a recent addition to the books, not applicable in New York or false. When I was 18 (1992) I got busted with weed, it was equivalent to a parking ticket, called a violation in fact. I paid my $120 fine and 3 years later got financial aid for college that were federally funded staford loans.

    "In can in some cases be psychologically addictive, however I see no reason why it should remain schedule 1 or criminalized."
    Tobacco, caffeine and nicotine are physically addictive. Marijuana is NOT physically addictive. There has never been one case of an overdose on marijuana, but people die every day from alcohol poisoning (overdose).

    Marijuana in NOT physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive. However, so can shopping, eating and computer/internet usage.

  • stephoness

    "This must have been a recent addition to the books, not applicable in New York or false."

    As I mentioned right after what you quoted, it was passed I believe last year by the Bush administration. You are lucky that you were able to get financial aid, because if you applied right now you wouldn't get it. Check out the link I posted, it has more information about the Higher Education Act. Murderers get finincial aid but not a high school kid that gets busted for a joint.

    "Marijuana in NOT physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive. However, so can shopping, eating and computer/internet usage."

    Everything is psychologically addictive, but that should be blamed on the person with the addictive personality, not on the drug. I personally am addicted to Final Fantasy XI Online but should we make that illegal just because I tend to play too much? Heh. Seriously though, I never recommend anyone take marijuana or alcohol or nicotine, because it's not up to me to make that decision for anyone, and I think peer pressure is stupid. I only give the facts so people can decide for themselves what they think is right and wrong. And I respect your opinion totally!

  • Sunnygal41

    Okay, let's take note of what ColdRedRain said: ABUSING...........that means there was NO moderation or balance and like anything, abusing it will cause problems........if you drink too much water you can literally drown yourself. Let's not demonize things any further than they have already been demonized. It all boils down to personal responsibility towards the well being of self and others..........


  • Sabine


    Have you seen the documentary GRASS narrated by Woody Harrelson?


  • roybatty

    Personally, I couldn't care less what people want to put into their bodies. You want to smoke pot or crack? fine, do it at home. But I'm tired of seeing any drug compared to alcohol and also being told that pot is harmless. Sheesh. At least be honest about it.

  • heathen

    Now wait a minute , I don't think a 16 yr. old should concern themselves over narcotics .LOL it's illegal cause your mom told you it is .

  • talesin


    I respect your opinions. You seem to be a logical thinker.

    However, you cannot compare marijuana to crack. To anyone who has worked 'in the system' (by that, I mean the social work system), it is laughable.

    Do some reading about mj. Compare that to what you have seen in your life about the destructive qualities of alcohol. I think you *might* change your mind.


  • frankiespeakin

    I'm amazed at just how many people are so ill informed about mj. Well I think the internet will cure that.

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