We Are Not on the Low Road

by simplesally 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Sometimes, because we have the JW mind set and JW friends and family, we are the ones who are made to feel guilty or make ourselves feel guilty. Sometimes, we have found our true feelings, we have become authentic. But our friends, or fringe associates, are not authentic........they are sucking our lives; they are making us feel guilty.

    At what point do we say to ourselves that it's ok to move on and see the JW family members are the ones to be pitied? At what point do we stop fading and stop attending DC's and Memorials because that's what they think is the right thing to do?

    When are you ready to be authentic to yourself and the world around you and STOP feeling bad because you ARE doing the right thing????


    (of the loves a friend who is hurting class)

  • notperfectyet


    I love you..I am calling you.

  • simplesally

    I love you too!

    When is the 4th of July????????????

    The day after the 3rd of July!

    NPY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grab the rest of your life or let it slip away.

  • notperfectyet


    I love you,


  • Farkel

    : When are you ready to be authentic to yourself and the world around you and STOP feeling bad because you ARE doing the right thing????

    I'm ready. Oh, wait! I started doing that in 1972! That was um, let me think here, uh, 32 years ago.



  • Sassy

    Sally? I tried to im you earlier..

  • talesin


    I remember the first time it dawned on me that I was an okay person.

    Being depressed and suicidal, I went to see a therapist. I told her how I was no good, a waste product and not worth being on earth. I had also told her about my friend, 'L', who I admired a lot. She had her $h*t together, she was smart, and this and that.

    The therapist looked directly into my eyes, and said, "Well think about this. If 'L' is such a great person, why would she be friends with such a loser? She must admire you as well."

    I had never thought about it in that way. It made me feel really good, and from then on, my perception of myself was altered. Of course, my life didn't turn around instantly, but that was the beginning of ... well, the beginning.

    Keep telling your friend that (s)he is doing the right thing, remind them that you don't hang with losers. Maybe that will help.


  • franklin J
    franklin J


    From one who has been down that road...

    you are going to reach a point where you DO NOT want to feel the negativity that the JWs will throw your way. You will have made enough new non JW friends and a new support network of people who REALLY CARE about you. You will look at your child and watch her growing up so secure in her self ( with none of the JW brainwashing to limit her perpectives) and you will say to yourself-----

    " how did I EVER let that happen to myself"

    Sally, it really comes down to self respect---you simply WILL NOT tolerate them treating you or your child that way. They will go "by the wayside".

    Life will brighten without them or the "negativivty" they project on you.

    Good luck; we are all cheering for you and beautiful Teryn.


  • simplesally

    Franklin.............actually, this is not about me. I am done with JW's. I don't feel guilty for not going to the DC or Memorial but I have a friend who has children that are adults in the 'truth'. .... they are pressuring her to go to Assembiles and such. In addition, my ex was getting subtle pressure about 'going back'............ well, he is now done and not going back and has learned to just feel sorry for them.

    See, I don't have any family that pressures me.......they are all Catholic. I am df'd, so I have no JW friends. But many of you have families and friends that assume because you are not JWs you are low class, dying worldly people. Many of you adopt that same feeling about yourselves because you used to be JW's. At what point do you just start being real and stop faking it to them. When do you stop caring and start laughing when they find out you post on a JW board?

    When do you realize we are on the high road.......we are being true to ourselves and clear about what we want instead of hiding who we are, hiding even from ourselves?? When do you stop feeling like you are on the low road?

  • simplesally

    But Franklin, even though your post was mistakenly directed toward me, I hope my friend reads the good advice you gave!!!!

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