Religion? Yes I think some people will substitute this for "religion" but not for the JWs. Peoiple went to meetings and went on service not because they really wanted to but because for the most part they were guilted into doing it or were scared not to. Coming to JWD has no external agent prodding us to "attend".
The Legion? Well my experience of vets (at least the ones here in Canada) is that although people go for companionship there is actually little discussion of their common bond other than superficial discussion. There is no real dissecting of what happened or why. Most vets I know will defind their service days - very unlike most of us who have little to defend about the WTS. I'm not sure how "supportive" they are of each others actual war experiences.
halfway house? I think for some it is a stop gap - a place to be while they are trying to establish themselves in the real world.
pub? Perhaps but I think there are too many things going on and the tone is often a lot deeper than a pub might allow
support group? Definitely for some if not all at some point after leaving the JWs. And while some groups are lifetime associations (AA etc.) other groups are time-limited and people move on after the group is over or their issue has been dealt with
community centre? I think I like this one. Many different activities for different interests. Information support fun and games, friendship, outings. People come for one reason and stay for other reasons. There is always something going on
it is as one person said what you make it or need it to be
And personally I see any online community as more than just a db. people make friends (and sometimes enemies). There are real people, some we have met and many we will never meet. We talk about real issues or fluff and everything in between. I have a db on my computer. It is a catalogue of all the book in my house (over 700). This is far more than a list of names and experiences. I can't compare the two at all. There are real people behind the words on my screen