My 4 year old daughter has declared us JW free!!!!

by choks 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • choks

    Well exactly as the title 4 year old daughter, obviously tired of my dithering has taken matters into her own hands!

    The background is that I was bought up in the troof, and began my fade about 6 months ago. I had been talking to my daughter about us not going to the meetings anymore and she accepted it very well. She was always the noisiest child there anyway and really didnt do sitting still for 2 HOURS, although she did like the bit at the end where you get to run around and knock as many people over as possible, plus there was a lady there who handed out sweets (so that kept here focused )!!!!

    Anyway, the routine is that my parents collect her from nursery, which has been working fine, until yesterday that is. I went straight from work to collect her and her younger brother from my parents house. As I arrived I sensed tension. Apparently my mum had been approached by the nursery teacher who asked if my daughter celebrated birthdays or not, as she had told everyone in nursery that now she could sing happy birthday!!! My mother as you can imagine was furious! It got worse. She then asked my daughter what she meant. My daughter replied. " My mummy isnt a witness anymore, and I dont want to be one either! So we can celebrate birthdays now!!!"

    Well I had hoped to be far more tactful than that, but I guess now they know.

    As you can imagine, we didnt stay long, but made a swift exit home!

    Kids, dont you just love em!

    So for those of you who are worried about how your little ones will take it, they'll manage just fine!

  • Emma

    How wonderful! You're off to a good start; you didn't censure your daughter but let her tell it like it is.


  • Emma

    Oh, and I haven't welcomed you to the forum yet. Welcome!

  • RandomTask

    From someone with experience, be strong!

  • desib77

    I'm happy for you and your daughter....I'm sure she will have lots of fun participating in all the normal kids stuf..


  • choks

    Hi Emma

    Thanx 4 the welcome.

    My daughter is in her elements. We are making new friends, and getting out as much as poss.

    Bless her, the other day, she was deep in thought, then her eyes went wide as saucers as her brain ticked over...I asked her what was up and she replied! "If we are not witnesses anymore.....then can we celebrate Xmas? OH and mummy...EASTER!!!????" Hmmm, I've created a monster!


  • choks

    Thanks Random Task

    I certainly know it isnt going to be easy. I rely on my parents a lot for help with the kids, and they are not at all happy with my decision. I have been told that things will go wrong for me now that I have left and that they thought I was a sensible person.

    I am still taking things one day at a time. It's still v.hard to deal with.


  • Nosferatu
    My mummy isnt a witness anymore, and I dont want to be one either! So we can celebrate birthdays now!!!"

    LMAO!!! I love this story!

    Also, Welcome aboard, choks!

  • simplesally
    I certainly know it isnt going to be easy. I rely on my parents a lot for help with the kids, and they are not at all happy with my decision. I have been told that things will go wrong for me now that I have left and that they thought I was a sensible person

    Oh yes, the demons have a hold of you now and your life will go to the dogs! No matter what happens: if you are broke it's because you cannot succeed without Jehovah's help; if you succeed in business and better off financially, well then, that's because Satan is keeping you busy with material things.

    Can't win for losing if you listen to the JW's mindset! So, keep your ear-muffs on!

    Welcome to the board!.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Good to go bravo for your little one! As JC proclamied,"out of the mouth of babes comes forth wisdom and praise".

    I was 'born in the troof' ca,1957 during the hard line years.It really sucked trying to sit still through two hours of cult indoctrination.


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