Kingdum Hall Burning

by morty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Just watched the news and two 14 year olds have been brought into custody for questioning of the burning of the Hall in Middleboro....It is burning right now....

    The media was interviewing an elder who was let in quickly for some important papers when one of the side walls caved in while the fire fighters were trying to put out the fire.The fire men were sent to hospital for smoke....

    I wonder what was the important papers that they needed??

    I have never known fire men to let people into a burning building before...

    The whole thing sounds fishy to me....

  • iiz2cool

    Do they even keep important papers in the halls? When I was account servant I kept all the records at home.

    Yeah, sounds fishy.


  • ohiocowboy

    Darn, too far away from here....I coulda brought marshmallows!!!

  • catchthis

    Where I live, I know of a few brothers who are firemen. I'm fairly sure that they are all MS's too. If an elder really needed to get into a burning hall for some papers and a couple firemen bros were on that particular call, I can see them letting the elder in to get what he needed. It might have been a judgement call by the firemen if the fire wasn't that particularly bad.

  • trumangirl

    It must have been publisher record cards, they're real important . Or records of disfellowhipings. That elder was putting the kingdom first.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    ....and the bad news is....

    They get the full insurance for the value of the building and all the faithful Borgites pitch in and build themselves a really flash new monastary for the money.

  • zev

    where was this? middleboro, where? in canada or in usa? thanks.

  • Sassy

    yeah.. probably the records about publishers.. former members etc.. can't lose tha paper trail of bad marks on ya..

  • willy_think

    hay Ziv,

    Middleboro MA, USA.....The news said a "Church" was burning...I said no, there is no "Church" burning. Important papers come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.

  • willy_think

    I couldn't edit my post, so I'm tacking on the latest change in the story. Now they are saying it was 3, 14 year old boys messing around with matchs outside the Hall. The only good news is that the kids are being charged with arson as Juviniles ( adults face 10 years for arson in MA ).

    This got me thinking; fire is an odd tool. As my Dad is a Carpenter, I could use most power tools safely and correctly at the age of 14, but not the oldest tool of man infact I was never taught how to use fire. Not that it's difficult, I watched in person and on tv and learned. It's one of the many things you pick up on your way around the block, but to not instruct kids in it's use seems akin to not teaching tool safety. They wouldn't have been surprised at how fast fu<ing around with fire can get out of control if it wasn't one of there first real exposures to it. Some times ignorance and innocents is not bliss.

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