What about all sort of kinds of dinosauros that supposed they died in the flood. Will God resurect them!!!
Watchtower's view on Extinct Animals
by Nosferatu 19 Replies latest jw friends
But since the Bible does not tell us, it would not be wise to speculate on the matter.
LMFAO!!!! Why the hell not? They speculated the end of the world how many times? Yet again, when they don't have an answer, leave it on Jehovah's desk, which is piling up pretty bad if you ask me!
City Fan
Will God bring back life-forms that have become extinct because of man?s ruining the earth?
And what about bringing back all those millions of life-forms that disappeared in the half dozen mass extinctions that occurred before man came along?
I'm sure in the new system, we'll have all sorts of evolutionary redundant predetory animals like the saber toothed tiger and the dire wolf coming back to eat vegetation.
I'm sure a set of chompers like these could really be useful in eating lettuce!
What was the Watchtower's view on the Dodo bird, the Wooly Mammoth, and other extinct animals?
They were all promoted to being members of the Governing Body if memory serves.
Undaunted Danny
They better hurry,if memory recall serves me correct.A discovery channel special show counted 15 species per hour go extinct worldwide.This includes plant life esp.concentrated losses occur in the rain forest due to rampant slash and burn clearings.
Of course the Watchtower sites this havoc as an indictment of satan's system.God will ""bring to ruin those ruining the earth""
"The Bibles writers were also meticulously accurate.." -
They changed the animals ate only vegatation in1969 and have not mentioned it since. wonder why?
*** w69 9/1 p. 543 Questions from Readers ***
It is true that hundreds or even thousands of problem cases might be brought up, ones that apparently indicate that animals always killed one another, that this is necessary for the "balance of nature."
new light
What about all sort of kinds of dinosauros that supposed they died in the flood. Will God resurect them!!!
Nope. Sorry. The WT tells us that any creature destroyed in God's wrath is not eligible for resurrection. It made me think......what if an influential GB member had a child that was a dinosaur lover who wanted nothing more than to see a T.Rex in real life. The whole policy could change instantly. Of course, Bethelites don't have children but you get the point. Bye now.
But since the Bible does not tell us, it would not be wise to speculate on the matter.
yeah right, if only they applied that statement to everything they say.
: Will God bring back life-forms that have become extinct because of man?s ruining the earth? If the Creator wishes to have extinct animal species reappear on the earth, he can certainly recreate them in the future. The same would apply to the extinct vegetation. But since the Bible does not tell us, it would not be wise to speculate on the matter.
It's interesting what this Awake! article doesn't address as much as it is about what it does address. There were far more species of animals and plants that became extinct long before man showed up on the scene, so if man by making species going extinct is "ruining the earth," then who made or allowed the much more numerous species go extinct before man? It would have to be God. If man doing it is "ruining the earth," then God doing MORE of it before man must also be "ruining the earth."
I noticed that Awake! article failed to mention that pesky little fact.