Sex Is Banned During Euro 2004.

by Englishman 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I just heard a big debate on BBC Radio 2 concerning the French soccer team.

    Apparently, they're banned from having any sex during the time that they remain as contestants in the Euro 2004 competition.

    How embarrasing for them. One thing is for sure though. When England play France next Sunday, no way will the England supporters engage in any mocking chants. As true Brits they will remain stoically silent.

    Yeah, right!

    This is gonna be great fun to watch on TV.


  • iiz2cool
    When England play France next Sunday, no way will the England supporters engage in any mocking chants. As true Brits they will remain stoically silent.

    So we see!


  • Shutterbug

    A very good time to rub it in. Tell them you're sorry they can't rise to the occasion Bug

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...are they stoically silent because they " got some" before the game?

  • ColdRedRain

    Keeping a Frenchman celibate is like making a sieve hold water. You'll have to seal up their holes in order for both to happen!

  • Badger

    I thought I once heard Pele brag about all the tail the Brazilians get during their WC tourneys.

    What's the point of being a French soccer player if you can't get any action on the road?

    Badger, of the cheering for Latvia class.

  • reboot

    I thought the England squad were banned too......?

    and why is it banned?

    You'd think if theyre all so super fit it wouldnt make any difference..would'nt waking up having spent a great evening with your wife would have a positive effect ....or am I wrong thinking it's about energy ? do they think that abstaining makes the men agressive on the pitch cos they're frustrated? Does anyone know the reason ? Ive heard athletes say it enhances performance...

  • DanTheMan

    Baseball players have this thing where if they're in a hitting slump they go out and poke the fattest, ugliest broad they can find, supposedly helps to break the slump.

  • reboot
    Baseball players have this thing where if they're in a hitting slump they go out and poke the fattest, ugliest broad they can find

    why does that help one sport and other sports ban sex....? and why does she have to be ugly..........?? Some men must've been imports from another galaxy...

  • Badger


    That's called a "slumpbuster"...

    ...most athletes can get just about any groupie, usually the hottest one.

    But during a losing streak, you have to break it, so a rookie will be chosen to tag a total dog to reverse the curse.

    If Dallas gets a WNBA team, I will volunteer for slumpbuster duty.

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