First of all, how in the hell can they enforce such a ?ban??
What do they do?have a large group of private investigators follow each team player around 24/7?
What if someone is caught doing the old ?five knuckle shuffle? with himself? Does he get a ticket or something?
What kind of legal right do they have to even attempt to impose such an arbitrary and high-handed ?creative by-law?? Surely if there was any kind of trial that became of any ?infractions,? their no-doubt obvious failure to prove any sound medical basis to warrant any disciplinary action would cause their case to fall flat as a silly pancake. Any idiot could easily argue the benefits of relieving tension, not to mention a good workout, which would surely outweigh any perceived ?harm? in something which is considered part of a ?healthy routine? anyway. I would love to be in the audience if such a trial occurred.
Jeebus H. Crackers?what next, tell them they?re not allowed to smile?
Gotta hand it to the French. What can you expect in a legal system where you?re still ?guilty until proven innocent.?