It is a little known policy outside JWs that all you have to do to stop JWs from coming to your door is to be put on the "Do Not Call" list. This is a record that is attached to the back of every territory card (a map section assigned to JW members) and carefully avoided by JWs in future visits in your neighborhood.
To make sure that the list is valid and up-to-date, it is procedure for an elder (usually the service overseer) to call on these addresses at least once per year to verify that the resident still does not want visits. The hope is that the person has changed their mind or moved. Thereupon, the elder will date and initial the "Do Not Call" list. Until now...
Reportedly, elders in rural congragations (verified in California, Idaho and Montana) are having a hard time keeping up with their lists and are be reprimanded by circiut overseers. The reality is that, in some rural poskets where everyone talks to each other, neighbors have all signed up until some territories are as much as 50% Do Not Calls. The rate is rising and surpassing elder's ability to keep up.
As a comprimise, in some congregations, circuit overseers have authorized "mature and tactful" publishers to Call on the Do Not Calls while they are working the territory! Negating the classification, publishers are instructed to approach the door without bookbags and breifly verifiy that the resident is still opposed to visits.
Some procedures are: men may go alone, but women must go in twos; no children. The WTBS will not legally defend JWs who trespass property with signs posted "No JWs". Do Not Calls are to be treated as Not at Homes and returned to until someone is found at home. Leave a tract if no one is found after repeated visits. Initial and date the Call as the elders would. The Do Not Call is due for a visit once per year. Violent or threatening residents are recorded and JWs are encourage to write or phone instead of visiting at the door.
JW members are reportedy mortified at this new addition to their ministerial responsibility