What Do You Call Calling on a Do Not Call?

by ezekiel3 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iiz2cool
    one well-thinking JW says "well you know that flag you have in your yard is just plain idol worship..."

    They're very good at alienating people, aren't they?


  • azaria

    A few years ago my daughter (15 at the time) was coming home from school when two young ladies (witnesses) stopped to talk to her, asking her name and where she lived etc. A few days later I found out about it when these same ladies came to my door. They told me that they had talked to my daughter. I was extremely upset about it and told them (in a friendly manner) that if they wanted to talk to me, an adult, I had no problem, but that they leave children alone. I sent a signed letter to the congregation nearest me and told them of my concerns and that I didn't want any more visits. It wasn't just because they were witnesses. I would have been upset if any group had stopped my daughter on the street. They never (that I know of) came to visit again. I now live in an apartment. They did buzz my apt once and I told them I was not interested. I often wonder if my mother requested these visits. I periodically check the front entrance to see if they've left any magazines and I take them.

    Also a friend of mine related to me how two ladies came to her house last year and my friend said in a friendly manner that she had her own faith. A couple of weeks later my friend was working in her front yard and these same ladies saw but completely ignored her.

  • Farkel


    You just gave me a great idea and it would allow myself and others to again go out in field service and actually ENJOY it!

    First, all apostates who want to participate in a community would get together on a weekend and have breakfast. Then we would all pick out our territory. Preferably, this would be an area that is only serviced by one congregation. We could work alone or in twos. It doesn't matter. The only "literature" we would have is a petition. We approach the door and knock. Not some wimpy "pioneer knock", but a nice, hearty knock. When someone answers the door, we would say:

    "Hi. We're calling on you this morning because we are sick and tired of those Jehovah's Witnesses waking us up on weekend mornings and trying to sell us their books and their religion. We have our own religions and don't want theirs. If you feel the same way, and sign this petition you can stop them from visiting you. That religion has a policy which states of a person does not want to be called on by them and states so, they will make a special note of your address and not call on you again. Do you want to sign?"

    If they sign, give them a signed copy, keep one for yourself, and send another copy to the congregation's presiding overseer.

    We could also "work" the airports and other places like that. We could have a table with a sign that says, "Stop those Jehovah's Witnesses from Banging on Your Door! Sign Here, and They Won't!"

    No keeping track of time, no feeling guilty about taking breaks and most important, there are NO RULES to follow with this kind of "witnessing." It would be interesting to hear what kinds of stories householders would tell us about dubs calling on them in the past.

    I like it!


  • Stefanie
    "Hi. We're calling on you this morning because we are sick and tired of those Jehovah's Witnesses waking us up on weekend mornings and trying to sell us their books and their religion. We have our own religions and don't want theirs. If you feel the same way, and sign this petition you can stop them from visiting you. That religion has a policy which states of a person does not want to be called on by them and states so, they will make a special note of your address and not call on you again. Do you want to sign?"

    Hey, thats a good idea, of course we would go on an evening time.

  • gumby

    Does anyone know if it's cool to run an ad in your local Newspaper telling people how to get rid of Jehovah's witnesses by this means? How about "flyers" in the Newspaper?

    If we take Farkels presentation suggestion......we could all go to "Winchells" and plan out our stadegy......just like old times.


  • zugzwang

    Here's a crazy idea, (I'm sure someone's thought of this before) what if a national do not call list was produced. A website could be set up where anyone and everyone could go and list their address as a "do not call" property. It would be at http://www.jwstayaway.com or http://www.jwstayaway.org

    I suppose at first it wouldn't have any legal weight, but if enough people signed on it might catch the attention of some congressman who might see an opportunity for some votes. Next thing we know the congress of the United States would make the list enforceable, just like the telemarketer do not call list. Of course, once it became law then even more people would sign up for the list.

    It's just crazy enough that it just might work. Contact your congressman now!!!!!!


  • zugzwang

    oops, sorry, those links don't go anywhere. Not yet anyway. Any web savvy people out there know how to set up a new website?


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