I'm taking this philosophy class(OH NO WORLDY WISDOM) and the instructer mentioned how it always bothered him how Abraham's God(Yaweh or Jehovah to us) had put him through the ordeal of even asking him to sacrifice his son. I identified with this because it's something that always bothered me as well. I know it was supposedly just a "test" but to me it doesn't seem like something Jehovah would ever do when taking into consideration his characteristics outlined in the bible. I mean, it's a bit deceiptful and manipulative-- both qualities the bible(or perhaps it was JWs) suggests he is VERY much against. If God is perfect, unfailing, etc. how could he even begin to deceive someone in this way only to test their loyalty? Job now comes to mind also. Would God REALLY make someone suffer just to win a bet with Satan?
I suppose this post is questioning Christianity more than JWs but am not certain. Perhaps someone has taken the accounts completely different than how I was taught to read them.
The thing that is scary to me is that it has me questioning the bible and christianity now. Those are only two very small thoughts that have started these questions. It's a bit overwhelming, though, since I've gone the majority of my 25 years believing there was a Supreme Being, namely the christian one mentioned in the bible. Or, perhaps those accounts were not to be taken literally? I think I'll do some research and see if there is proof that Job and Abraham lived on earth. It's been a long time since I have thought about any of this. =)