Lisa, it's so good to see you here again!!!!!!!! I have one little question----why must everything you post have something to do with some sort of "class"? I get the joke but after a while.....
Opinion: does the WT 7-15 portray a Black Jesus?
by ezekiel3 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
DantheMan, ease up a bit. I was the first on this thread to imply that if Jesus had have been black the Kingdom Melodies would have a better beat . . . and I am about as white as they come . . . but I am descended of a people/nation so ethnically diverse it simply doesn't matter if you are dark and swarthy or a blonde tuton . . . they all exist side by side. You guys should re-read Dr. Suese's The Star-bellied Sneatches.
Yes, though, he does look black in the pic, Which is great after EVERY stinking pic of him and the disciples looking aryan, and the pharisees always look "Jewish" which is funny because they were all close relatives.
. . . and don't forget that for many decades, Jesus was depicted as beardless. But I agree with the other guy, he does look more puerto rican in that depiction. You can see the little maracas under his throan.Corvin
*sigh* another sad example of a white person who has bought into the hype and who gleefully goes along with stereotyped racial distinctions
Hey Dan, bite me. I hate rap but I love some of the rythmic contrabutions blacks have made to American music. Certain rythems are distinct to certain races so get over it.
The only thing I know about bigboi is that he has common sense and depth of knowledge which is neither a black or white thing . . . it is the most wonderful part of the human condition . . . dig?
Gee Corvin, isn't it great that black people have so much better rhythm and beats than us pathetically rhythmically inept white people!
Bite me man!
The only thing I know about bigboi is that he has common sense and depth of knowledge which is neither a black or white thing . . . it is the most wonderful part of the human condition
Asskiss alert! That one was a doozy! -
You're mistaken, he looks puertorican there!
I was about to comment about the subtle hispainic Jesus. While we are at it what about Hispanic Adam and Eve. I notice that almost every picture of a young popular bible character tends to be remotely hispanic looking in recent years. It is either deliberate or the artist dont know how to draw middle eastern stereotypes unless they are old jews.
Also I noticed the legions of caucasian cover girls replaced by asian women. Many of the families now are dipicted as asian. I think it is great. But what is disturbing is how aburpt it is. It is like someone at the top instituted and asian quota. If you dont know asians seem you be an underepresented group in english language media, advertising and publications in america. For example I have seen latino and black coca cola ads for the english market I have never seen an asian coca cola ad for the english market. I have seen black car commercials for chrysler. I have never seen an Asian commerical for any car including japanese or korean cars. Hope I am not high jacking.
What if he looked like Woody Allen?
What if he looked like Woody Allen?
Well, that would explain the JW's protecting pedophiles!!!
LOL to Avi!!!
Good one Avi :)