What do you think would happen if the society received "new light" and it was no longer a requirement to turn in a field service report, it is now between each publisher and Jehovah what they do as far as witnessing? Personally I don't think that will ever happen because that is the only way they can maintain control over everyone in the congregation.
Will the WTS ever drop the reporting of time?
by TweetieBird 17 Replies latest jw friends
50% of those who go out would no longer do so...that's what I think...maybe 75%.
This is an interesting question. One of the primary goals of the WTS is to sell as many books as possible. They can already track the movement of books by looking at the number that is shipped to each congregation... so why look at how many books each individual sells???
I think you are right in your conclusion that it is primarily for control. The closer you watch someone, the more you can control them through intimidation.
They've painted themselves into a corner by making the reporting of time such an entrenched tradition. But dropping it would be a stroke of genius IMO. The hour-counting was the one aspect of JWism that I hated and couldn't rationalize or dismiss. The irritation that I felt about it was what led to irritation about other things, resulting in my internet investigation and subsequent departure. I might still be there today if it wasn't for that. But I was hardly a pillar, I'm sure I'm not missed lol.
Room 215
No way; never.... there would be a catastrophic drop in productivity and literature distribution that would shake them to their foundations.
I believe that the number one reason the WTS will not drop the reporting of time policy is so that it can keep track of the progress of the global preaching work being done. That they can also supervise the spiritual status of individual congregation members is a secondary benefit.
In their twisted minds they believe that they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave and they have a responsibility to their Master Jesus Christ to increase His earthly belongings. They can't know if the worldly belongings are increasing if there isn't some kind of reporting system in place.
Ray Franz reports in his second book "In Search of Christian Freedom" that some suggestions have been made to end the reporting but all where blocked.
I don't think it would hurt them in the US or Western Europe, but it would definitely have a disastrous effect on countries where they are still selling literature for a set price in field service. I think the vast majority of the publishers would stop going out in the service.
I have often wondered (along with no-blood & disfellowshipping) if counting-time has a place in Dubdom's future. But since we were never Christians, but Publishers, the onus to place literature has to be there. I would imagine 80% of the brethren would give up on literature "sales" if the scorekeeping went away. A religious publishing empire can't afford that.
Of course not. All hell would break loose and there would be total anarchy. They are never going to give up that control tool....are you kidding? Not unless they someday realize, like the Worldwide Church of God did that they had better reform and apologize, will the WTBTS change their time reporting policy.