Dear Obviously Secret,
You need to get help. You can not deal with this on your own. You can not pray to Jehovah and have it go away. The elders are not the kind of help I mean either. House-painters, janitors, and window-washers are not a substitute for a professionally trainer counselor or social worker. Make an appointment with your doctor today. He or she can put you in touch with the right mental health worker for your illness. Yes, it is an illness. Your doctor will probably start you on meds or refer you to a psychiatrist who might be better able to start you on the right meds. It is often necessary to for your doctor to try you out on different meds until you both find one that will work, and then there may be even more time needed to determine the right dose for you. So be patient. In the meantime counseling will help you tremendously. Sometimes it won't seem like it, but it does work. One day you will wake up and feel great.
You must make that appointment with your doctor and go. Tell him or her what you have told us. You must do this if you want to live. I think deep down you do want to live. I know I did. Part of me wanted to survive even though my soul was in the blackest hour of the night. You sound like a survivor and it is a great credit to you that you have made it this far. Use that inner survivor to seek help. I cannot stress this enough.
I too was suicidal. I too was picked on and mocked. I too was from a crazy family in a crazy cult. I curled up into corners and closets and even under my desk at work. I burned myself and scratched myself and beat on my arms with an old shoe. I felt like an outcast and a goon and was convinced that everyone who was ever nice to me was only nice to me so that they could laugh at me behind my back. I would fade out in stressful situations and feel like I wasn't really there. I would go back in time and relive awful events from my past. The mental anguish I felt was excruciating even though there was no physical pain. I hated myself.
I learned that these were all symptoms of a disease. This disease has a cure. There is no magic pill to make it disappear over night, but there are magic pills that work over time. You just need to trust your doctor to find the right one.
Today I am happy and healthy and productive again. I feel wonderful every morning and at the end of the day I marvel at how good it was. You can get there too. If I did it, you can do it. You took the first step today in talking to us. The next small step is to call your doctor. If your doctor can't be reached on a Saturday, leave a message with his or her answering service. They will call you back Monday. Just hold on until then.